
Review Detail of eudine in

Detalle de revisión


I love how you write! This novel was well worth the time, and it’s a must-read. The author does a good job of depicting the characters and setting, making it easily imaginable. Furthermore, I love how you executed the transmigration—it was rather intriguing, to say the least. The only criticism I have is the odd word choice from time to time, and the mixing of past and present tense. Some of the internal monologue lines also felt a bit rough around the edges, and a bit out of place. Other than that, kudos to you author—keep it up!

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I'm having a hard time choosing proper word choice, but I'm working on it by reading other's works and thesauruses. Thank you very much for pointing this out. I'll make sure to work on this.


RyujiSakamata:I'm having a hard time choosing proper word choice, but I'm working on it by reading other's works and thesauruses. Thank you very much for pointing this out. I'll make sure to work on this.