
Review Detail of CornyChiWAH in Naruto : The Flow Artist { On Hiatus }

Detalle de revisión


A very good Naruto Fanfic, although, as the author said the early chapter can be a little bit off-putting. The good thing is everything starts to get better after the Sakumo fight (which is something everyone in the comments section already said a million times already lol). Another good thing is the Female Lead selection. (no spoilers of course!!!) You also don't need to see a typical japanese beta personality who drag down romance for like 100+ chapters, MC is a pretty straightforward type of guy so that also can be considered as a plus. Overall, the fic looks great with interesting prospects to come by in the future.

Naruto : The Flow Artist { On Hiatus }


Le gusta a personas 3

me gusta



my G!