
Review Detail of PhantomTheif in Traveling Through Worlds (Completed)

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In chap 3 right now novel look promising my only real issue is that he agree to join them with out trying to get more benefits

Traveling Through Worlds (Completed)


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hmmm... what do you think a good benefit to ask?


I say maybe be first pick on the cores / wepons forgot what they are called or be able to be told about them before most others etc or maybe be able to get info that most normal people can’t get like for example some experiments that are being tested etc not saying he has to be able to get to the top of the ranks instantly or something like that just that it’s not like they don’t do that for others btw sry for the bad grammar just kinda tired rn and to lazy to fix it 🍪

Bleam:hmmm... what do you think a good benefit to ask?

oh! about the weapon. He already got one in latest Chapter titled "Quinque". If you don't know, the weapon in Tokyo Ghoul used by Investigators are called Quinque. and for the experiments, that's rather top secret ... if you don't know about Tokyo Ghoul you can read the manga. Better than Anime! and also MC knows about the world of Tokyo Ghoul so you can rest assured that he will not be taken advantage off. Thanks! Here's a Little Cute GIF for you.

PhantomTheif:I say maybe be first pick on the cores / wepons forgot what they are called or be able to be told about them before most others etc or maybe be able to get info that most normal people can’t get like for example some experiments that are being tested etc not saying he has to be able to get to the top of the ranks instantly or something like that just that it’s not like they don’t do that for others btw sry for the bad grammar just kinda tired rn and to lazy to fix it 🍪