
Review Detail of XLucifer_AceX in Royalty In Shadows : A Ninja's Awakening

Detalle de revisión


Seems the author used ai like chat gpt for the majority of the writing interesting premise but the author unfortunately requested the ai a very pretentious manner of writing it just seems artificial and lacks fluidity, the author also seems sloppy the pov changes are not marked as changes it just jumps between the characters making it confusing the author also didn’t seem to Proofread this evident by the mistakes and this hilarious mistake ( also the author might want to look in chapters 2 and remove this artefact “ apologies for the misunderstanding allow me to rewrite your words based on earlier instructions in the requested writing style”

Royalty In Shadows : A Ninja's Awakening


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Whoops, sorry for the mishaps. And thanks for the reminder. As for the usage of AI, yes i do indeed used them before the RoyalRoad dropped the regulation regarding the new policy of AI-generated content. Tho, even if i said that, i still used it 'till now even if it's just Grammarly or some other AI that could bridge the language-barrier. As for the type of AI, i actually tried chatGPT before to wrote a story. But, the usage of them in this novel is actually minimum. I might sound lying but chatGPT couldn't generate tiniest bit of sexual indication. So nowadays, i used them to record the information i've wrote. If someday and somehow i accidently wrote something that conflict the already existed information, chatGPT would remind me immediately.