
Review Detail of zaif123 in Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Detalle de revisión


The writing quality is good and that I’ve never noticed any mistakes that force me to break that suspension of disbelief that One needs when reading a book. It updates pretty consistently. The story development is good and the character design is also really interesting since he’s a dark elf I don’t know if that’s a spoiler, but it does come up pretty soon I think in the first chapter so he does carry some traits to the dark elf mixed with his tendencies of being human, along with an interesting bloodline addition, kind of murders into an interestingly impulsive yet caring yet vicious character. And world background of Skyrim, but not just Skyrim there is a recognition that Morrowind, the Empire elsewhere, and the Somerset Isles all exist, and their existence does have implications, so it feels a bit more flushed out, then just for those stories that follow the dragon plot line.

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale


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