
Review Detail of MangoChild in I Own a Funeral Home: Live Stream Following Other Streamers and Shock the Entire Internet!

Detalle de revisión


Racist. It goes good until it branches out and then you're hit with that good old Chinese racism .can't understand why a good work has to be stained with Racism but yeah no, don't recommend it cause this 1s racism doesn't seem to be nationalism

I Own a Funeral Home: Live Stream Following Other Streamers and Shock the Entire Internet!

Gemini Sheep

Le gusta a personas 7

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I understand why you're, many othere, and myself are frustrated and angry at the Chinese racism, it's just that most Korean, and Japanese novels do this as well. Like, I read I don't know how many Korean novels where the 'Americans' were always just black, and like instead of calling a black person just casually 'a guy' they called they 'a black guy' or 'that black guy' you feel me?


The difference is that in Japanese and Korean novels they don’t straight up murder everyone that isn’t Japanese or Korean…

Tuupkagtroth:I understand why you're, many othere, and myself are frustrated and angry at the Chinese racism, it's just that most Korean, and Japanese novels do this as well. Like, I read I don't know how many Korean novels where the 'Americans' were always just black, and like instead of calling a black person just casually 'a guy' they called they 'a black guy' or 'that black guy' you feel me?