
Review Detail of Beeees in Keystone, an Awesome Parallel Plane Adventure

Detalle de revisión


Since my review isn’t being posted, I’ll just post pictures of it and say the tldr here. TLDR: The world this takes place in is very open world where sleeping around with near strangers is perfectly acceptable and encouraged, so if you’re not comfortable with close female friends, party members, and acquaintances sleeping around with other men because the MC isn’t willing to, then don’t read this.

Keystone, an Awesome Parallel Plane Adventure


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Word to Eins:I like your FF, they're full of potentials, but... maybe with all that popularity built on EPIC you become conceited? Maybe it's time..."When numerous individuals consistently highlight an issue that you are oblivious to, perhaps it is time to turn your attention inward and reflect upon yourself.""When others repeatedly hold up a mirror to your blind spots, it's an invitation to self-examination rather than a chance to deflect blame." "If multiple voices converge to point out your shortcomings, it's an opportunity to embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.""When the world echoes with the same observation about you, it's worth exploring whether their reflections hold grains of truth that you have yet to acknowledge.""Instead of dismissing the chorus of opinions, consider embracing the introspective path and allowing their perspectives to enlighten your own self-awareness.""When the voices of many highlight your flaws, don't brush them aside; take a moment to pause, listen, and discover the hidden aspects of yourself that still elude you.""When the opinions of others consistently intersect on the same subject, it's a signal to turn inward and delve into the depths of your own being.""The collective observations of others can serve as a compass, guiding you towards uncovering facets of your identity that may have previously eluded your conscious awareness.""Don't shy away from the uncomfortable truths reflected by those around you; embrace them as catalysts for personal reflection and transformation.""If the majority highlights a blind spot you've missed, it's time to muster the courage to confront yourself and embark on a journey of self-exploration.""When the world persistently points to a particular aspect of your character, it's an invitation to gaze inward and unravel the mysteries that lie within."


Part 1


Part 2

Beeees:Part 1

Part 3

Beeees:Part 2

The problem with this statement is that the MC does, in fact, develop emotional ties with the female characters. It's literally one of the underlying issues he is set to overcome in the story xD

Beeees:Part 1

It wasn't just because of his 'values' that he didn't want to sleep with her. They had just met, and he didn't want to take advantage of her while she was vulnerable. I mean, I suppose that's a value, but most people wouldn't consider it a bad one O_O...

Beeees:Part 2

Leaving a review on a novel you've dropped immediately following the chapter where the MC begins to change, rectifying most of what you complained about, is a special kind of irony xD

Beeees:Part 3

A thing I noticed was that most of his other books are successful due to the popularity of EPIC which none of his other fanfics came close to beating.

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the guy literally stopped in time, he doesn't think there's nothing wrong with what he is doing, he always has a 'logical reasoning' for it. A shame cause i really like everything else beside the characters/mc.

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L take and patently false. Go out and touch some grass.

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How would they when EPIC lasted several years and has 2000+ chapters? You're not making a point.

Y0G_S0TH0TH:A thing I noticed was that most of his other books are successful due to the popularity of EPIC which none of his other fanfics came close to beating.

I get it, they are not 'together together' so doesn't count as NTR, i really get it, your one piece novel had the same thing(i ended dropping cause of that), but guess what? we don't care, and we don't like it. its simple as that, doesn't matter how many reasons your create to say 'its logical' its 'x' or its 'y', we don't like it. That's it. If people like it, they like it, this is not the case for this, and as you have already learned that a LOT, cause all you other novels after epic had the same 'complaint', you should just learn, and not do it. now, you can argument this whoever you want BUT that's not going to change. Also, its not like you have to change, if you really don't care (that's how it looks like) you can just keep doing it BUT if you want to become more popular again or just grow as an author you will have to make this change.

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at the end of the day people read what they enjoy, and most of your fans from EPIC are not liking the new content, very few in overall do like this type of thing, that's why it is kinda blacklisted.

PsyLoRD:I get it, they are not 'together together' so doesn't count as NTR, i really get it, your one piece novel had the same thing(i ended dropping cause of that), but guess what? we don't care, and we don't like it. its simple as that, doesn't matter how many reasons your create to say 'its logical' its 'x' or its 'y', we don't like it. That's it. If people like it, they like it, this is not the case for this, and as you have already learned that a LOT, cause all you other novels after epic had the same 'complaint', you should just learn, and not do it. now, you can argument this whoever you want BUT that's not going to change. Also, its not like you have to change, if you really don't care (that's how it looks like) you can just keep doing it BUT if you want to become more popular again or just grow as an author you will have to make this change.

I'm not going to argue with you or anything but Epic when in the starting phase was still more successful than all the others. Every other novel you have was carried by the same expectation your followers had but ultimately did not reach.

Einlion:How would they when EPIC lasted several years and has 2000+ chapters? You're not making a point.


PsyLoRD:I get it, they are not 'together together' so doesn't count as NTR, i really get it, your one piece novel had the same thing(i ended dropping cause of that), but guess what? we don't care, and we don't like it. its simple as that, doesn't matter how many reasons your create to say 'its logical' its 'x' or its 'y', we don't like it. That's it. If people like it, they like it, this is not the case for this, and as you have already learned that a LOT, cause all you other novels after epic had the same 'complaint', you should just learn, and not do it. now, you can argument this whoever you want BUT that's not going to change. Also, its not like you have to change, if you really don't care (that's how it looks like) you can just keep doing it BUT if you want to become more popular again or just grow as an author you will have to make this change.


PsyLoRD:I get it, they are not 'together together' so doesn't count as NTR, i really get it, your one piece novel had the same thing(i ended dropping cause of that), but guess what? we don't care, and we don't like it. its simple as that, doesn't matter how many reasons your create to say 'its logical' its 'x' or its 'y', we don't like it. That's it. If people like it, they like it, this is not the case for this, and as you have already learned that a LOT, cause all you other novels after epic had the same 'complaint', you should just learn, and not do it. now, you can argument this whoever you want BUT that's not going to change. Also, its not like you have to change, if you really don't care (that's how it looks like) you can just keep doing it BUT if you want to become more popular again or just grow as an author you will have to make this change.

My actual fans know that a single distasteful event/moment in the story doesn't define every single other moment in the story.

PsyLoRD:at the end of the day people read what they enjoy, and most of your fans from EPIC are not liking the new content, very few in overall do like this type of thing, that's why it is kinda blacklisted.

This isn't EPIC, nor is it a Fanfic. Go read Final Fantasy Frontier if you want the kind of story you're talking about.

Y0G_S0TH0TH:I'm not going to argue with you or anything but Epic when in the starting phase was still more successful than all the others. Every other novel you have was carried by the same expectation your followers had but ultimately did not reach.

Which part of my comment stated 'fanfics'. You completely missed the point and refused to take criticism.

GloriousRightFoot:This isn't EPIC, nor is it a Fanfic. Go read Final Fantasy Frontier if you want the kind of story you're talking about.

At this point, it is better to talk to a brick wall. Every criticism or comment that says something negative, you make it seems as if it is an attack on you.

GloriousRightFoot:My actual fans know that a single distasteful event/moment in the story doesn't define every single other moment in the story.

Yeah, it seems all we can do is what his downfall.

Y0G_S0TH0TH:At this point, it is better to talk to a brick wall. Every criticism or comment that says something negative, you make it seems as if it is an attack on you.