
Review Detail of creating_shots in Issei's Redemption

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I love this story and cant wait for other stories I wanted to ask you that after this and the one-piece story that you want to do will you also think of doing a harry potter one in this along with a system mc is also some one from Owen world reincarnated and also seen the movies all of them he will regain his memories a few months before he turns 11 and steals all the money and runs away from the Dursley's when they are on a vacation near the Leaky Cauldron and goes to Gringotts Wizarding Bank (make the goblins an honorable race that are kind to any child even there enemies) he asks to meet the potter account manager after meeting the manager he asks to take an inheritance test and as well as an ability test the result of the inheritance test shows that he is the Lord apparent to 1. The Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter 2. The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, 3. The Noble and Most Ancient House of Gryffindor, 4. The Noble and Most Ancient House of Ravenclaw, 5. The Noble and Most Ancient House of Hufflepuff, 6. The Noble and Most Ancient House of Slytherin, 7. The Noble and Most Ancient House of Peverell, 8. The Noble and Most Ancient House of Layfia, 9. The Noble and Most Ancient House of Merlin 10. The Noble and Most Ancient and Royal House of Pendragon. With this he has the lord ship of 10 Houses. Make it that in this Au he was given the Order of merlin first class for defeating Lord Voldemort this order in this Au anyway gives him Emancipation thus that means he can take the Lord Ship rings. The Goblins tell him that he can must choose the first Lord Ship carefully and that if the family magic of two houses agree to it that he is perfect candidate for the lord ship and not just acceptable for it the rings will not only chose him for being acceptable but for being the perfect candidate the second ring will merge with the first one thus the first house being absorbed into the second one permanently and that the two family magic’s will also merge with each other making a single and more powerful family magic with the magical abilities of both the houses. Harry first wears the Pendragon ring. It judges and makes him lord Pendragon. (Becoming Lord Pendragon automatically makes harry king of Britain for both the Wizarding World and the muggle World. As Lord Pendragon Harry has absolute authority over the ministry of magic and the unspeakable’s are loyal to only the Pendragon Family. In this Au the Lord ring and the Wizengamot Seats are given to a family my magic itself. Thus when the Lord Rings merge the Wizengamot Seats also merge together). The other rings Harry wears them in the same order as above and they all merge with the Pendragon Ring and due to this Harry also has full control over Hogwarts and at that moment all the rings are Worn and activated by Harry they give him all the history and detail of the Houses to him in his head. And also the location of all his properties as well as the family manors. He unfreezes his parents will and executes them as well as orders a trial for series black. Harry hides his Lord status and goes to Hogwarts. When he goes to Hogwarts the elves show him a hidden chamber created by the founders for rituals. There he fined prepared rituals that the founders wanted to do but died before they could Rituals 1. Ritual of Knowledge: in this ritual you create 5 large circles with appropriate writing in each of the 4 circles surrounding the 5th circle you will place the books which knowledge you want for yourself and stand in the fifth one in this ritual the books in the circles will turn to light and enter the users head and stay there permanently as if he learned it himself. The elves have been collected and adding books from both the muggle and magical word from the time of the founders with the books having preservation charms done on them thus harry gains all the knowledge of magic in the world but he will still have to train it and the transfer of knowledge will be very very painful. 2. Ritual of Animagus: through this ritual you can become at least an animagus with 3 forms of magical creatures and 2 of normal harries forms are a Basilisk, Griffon and dragon for magical and Lion and Blue Whale fore normal form. 3. Ritual of sight: through this ritual you can see magic and will enhance your sight. 4. Ritual of Occlumency: this ritual will only work if you have good Occlumency shields it will give you complete access to you mind and turn your mind into a mindscape 5. Ritual of cleansing and Power: through this ritual you can cleanse your selve of all negative magic and drak magic as well as merge your magical core with your soul that your very soul becomes your magical core. Harry’s partners also do this ritual. 6. Ritual of property merging: through this ritual Harry will merge all his house manners with Hogwarts. Such as Hogwarts will add new flowers form the 7th to above and on the 7th Flore the headmasters office will merge with the lord office and the headmasters portraits and the family portraits will merge together into a single portrait which will have the lords and ladies of each house and also the headmasters accept for Dumbledore and they will be linked with the mindscape and can see hear everything harry sees and hears and can communicate telepathically. 7. Ritual of Marriage: this ritual can be done many times the result of this ritual gives the pair a telepathic connection and mergers there mindscape together forever and when one dies his or her soul goes to the mindscape of the other until the others death and this ritual will give Harrys partners the effects of the Ritual of Occlumency since their minds will become one in a way. And they can teleport to one another anywhere in the world. The Soul of Harrys Parents is in his mindscape due to a protection ritual and the soul fragment of Voldemort is destroyed by the 5th ritual done by him. In this Au the one Who gathers the deathly hollows and uses a ritual to fuse the elder wand and his own wands + the invisibility clock and the resurrection stone to his soul will not become the master of death instead will be married to lady death and lady magic and gain true immortality and the domains of death and magic will fuse with his mindscape so death and magic will always be with him. Harry will have 10 familiars that are 1. The Basilisk form the chamber of secrets 2. The mate of the Basilisk form the chamber of secrets 3. Male unicorn 4. Female unicorn 5. Female fire phoenix formally owl Hedwig 6. Female ice phoenix 7. Male Thestral 8. Female Thestral 9. Male griffon 10. Female griffon The above 10 are bonded with harry but harry has collected secretly all the magical creatures at Hogwarts And please do not increase the harem count form 10 please or it looks like the mc is nothing but a basters who thinks that women are just playthings that he can use and then throw away this is a problem that I had with the bleach as well as the dxd fanfic show how harry makes the Wizarding world a better place for all the magical creatures. He finds the resurrection stone in his second year.

Issei's Redemption


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