
Review Detail of Teile_Eliet in GAME DEVELOPER SYSTEM

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Fanfiction disguised as a novel, all in order to monetize it. If the issue of having chapters behind patreon is not enough, you also need to block chapters even when you use material from other authors.



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we cant really complain, were not paying their bills


It's the fact he is copying an entire IP's idea and technically plagiarizing it but changes the name. Imagine all of Call of Duty is copied but all that is changed is its name to Duty to Call. Its a Fanfiction disguised as an original novel so he can paywall it. Its scummy and greedy. I dont mind patreon because I'm not forced to pay for it, but now I am.

CrazyZoneKO:we cant really complain, were not paying their bills

calm down, he will self destruct because of his greed.

Nah_Id_Write:It's the fact he is copying an entire IP's idea and technically plagiarizing it but changes the name. Imagine all of Call of Duty is copied but all that is changed is its name to Duty to Call. Its a Fanfiction disguised as an original novel so he can paywall it. Its scummy and greedy. I dont mind patreon because I'm not forced to pay for it, but now I am.

i don't know why u supporting this kind of of action. it's can be called crime if u think about it, with ur brain of course. (maybe like they say bird of same feather flocks together).

CrazyZoneKO:we cant really complain, were not paying their bills

im not supporting it im just saying we cant really complain because hes the author, if he gets away with it its a dub, if capcom decideds 'No can do' then its an L. either way idc because it legit doesnt affect my life, its just a random story.

True_Daoist_Reader:i don't know why u supporting this kind of of action. it's can be called crime if u think about it, with ur brain of course. (maybe like they say bird of same feather flocks together).

Why are peaple calling this a fanfiction when it's just taking a fake game name and idea.


Directly from google: "Fanfiction is fictional writing written in an amateur capacity by fans, unauthorized by, but based on an existing work of fiction. The author uses copyrighted CHARACTERS, SETTINGS, or OTHER intellectual properties from the original creator(s) as a basis for their writing. Fan fiction ranges from a couple of sentences to an entire novel, and fans can retain the creator's characters and settings and/or add their own." It seems that the least intelligent turned out to be someone else. In a fanfic you can use completely or PART of the original work of another author. If all the material turned out to be original, no one would complain that he monetized it.

SwordWraith:Why are peaple calling this a fanfiction when it's just taking a fake game name and idea.

actually used the real world games characters and name at the beginning , author just changed the 1 word in the games name and kept everything else including they literally monetizing a fanfic not a original fic with a game that has a company who could sue them to homeless status, this fic is skating the line only for the fact that the company doesn't know about it

SwordWraith:Why are peaple calling this a fanfiction when it's just taking a fake game name and idea.

I haven't read this yet but I'll comment based on the synopsis and other game developer novels I've read. This could be considered a crossover but it's also plagiarism. I know that and still read these stories as long as they're good, and they usually are. You could complain the author has no creativity and can't make up new games and I would agree for all novels of this game creator genre, but I don't know if I'd be interested if it were original games. Finally this is Webnovel, it's owned by Qidian. I won't comment on laws since I don't know them, but I do know Qidian. There's countless fanfiction on Qidian locked behind paywalls. And on that note there's Patreon. I've seen people like you complain whenever there's a hint of fanfiction being monetized but why don't you guys go take your rage on all those people making money by writing or making art based off of the intellectual property of others for what they create? Anyways it's not just a copy paste so I'll be fine with it and if the author gets in trouble (unlike all the others who don't) then that's his or her problem. Do you own any of the works represented in here? I doubt it


In my opinion P@treon (not sure if webnovel will sensor it) is okay for authors/fanfic writers in this case as it is not paying for their work it is supporting the creator (I personally wouldn't do it. However if other people want to they can). In this case though the author is making it so you cannot read past a certain point without forking over some cash, I find this problematic personally because Capcom or another company that has a fanfic written in this same scenario could cause Webnovel to become unprofitable for the creators and shut down this community of people which is a big problem for me as this is a place for people to publish original stories as well as fanfictions.

AzureConqueror:I haven't read this yet but I'll comment based on the synopsis and other game developer novels I've read. This could be considered a crossover but it's also plagiarism. I know that and still read these stories as long as they're good, and they usually are. You could complain the author has no creativity and can't make up new games and I would agree for all novels of this game creator genre, but I don't know if I'd be interested if it were original games. Finally this is Webnovel, it's owned by Qidian. I won't comment on laws since I don't know them, but I do know Qidian. There's countless fanfiction on Qidian locked behind paywalls. And on that note there's Patreon. I've seen people like you complain whenever there's a hint of fanfiction being monetized but why don't you guys go take your rage on all those people making money by writing or making art based off of the intellectual property of others for what they create? Anyways it's not just a copy paste so I'll be fine with it and if the author gets in trouble (unlike all the others who don't) then that's his or her problem. Do you own any of the works represented in here? I doubt it