
Review Detail of _VIIX_ in Shadow Monarch: Multiverse Ascendance

Detalle de revisión


Lemme be blunt. The first and foremost issue this fic has is the grammar. It's bad. It's not to the point that it's unreadable but it's bad nonetheless. It's like the author forgets the pov himself. At One line it's first person speech and in the next, it shifts to third person. Sometimes using both in the same sentence. So, quite frankly grammar is bad. Then there's the matter of Info dumps. If the author is doing it for the word count then maybe he achieved his goal but they don't contribute to the story whatsoever. The monologues aren't my favourite thing. Especially with that broken grammar and speech. Story development isn't good either. The name of the fic is misleading. Dudes accumulating powers like a sponge but shifts to basic Jinwoo methods while fighting in the end. So, what was the point of those long monologues. The differences from the original story has been minimal to say the least. Character design: The MC is cracked. And given that this is a totally MC oriented fic(i.e. all the other characters are totally 1d. Can't think to save their lives.), it makes it unbearable. Dude has got a clusterf*ck for a mind. He's always thinking about power systems of other fics and whatnot while barely does anything at all when it comes to self improvement. So many ideas and so little execution, that it's almost sad really. It goes on monologues after monologues. And every chapter till now his only worry is about his existence, who sent him here. Like he'll tell you all about it at least thrice a chapter. And I still don't have any idea what it means in the first place, why is it happening, why is it important anyways. Maybe I'm just dumb and just babbling at this point. Updating Stability: The 27th chapter says it all. The author's demands are, you send him power stones and reviews, and he'll update. So, make what you will of it. World background: Walmart version of Solo leveling world.

Shadow Monarch: Multiverse Ascendance


Le gusta a personas 246

me gusta



Yes I support this review as well, this is the conclusion I reached as well after reading this fanfiction.


This is the most accurate review I can give as well.


Thank, you saved me....i am not good with novels that explain same thing again and again and again


I feel the need to put this review as a background. That or frame it to hang on my wall. A review that is actually helpful, that is beautiful.



yes it's right but nonetheless i have put it in my library 🥱


I only read a single chapter and I'm done.


its pretty uncommon to see such honest and helpful reviews in webnovel so in my eyes this review is beautiful



bro cooked with this review