
Review Detail of God_Of_Degeneracy in Kill la Kill: Path of Power

Detalle de revisión


Why hello there, this is the author with that classic shameless 5 star review, hope you like the story I am planning to just post how many chapters I can write in a day. I will also be doing other fanfics about anime that pretty much don't have a fanbase on Webnovel so expect a Soul eater fanfic after this one :)

Kill la Kill: Path of Power


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Hey Author! I haven't watched Kill la kill anime. Do you think I can understand this Novel or it gonna fly over my head.


you can read it just google what a Goku uniform is and all its levels and you will be fine

N_RR:Hey Author! I haven't watched Kill la kill anime. Do you think I can understand this Novel or it gonna fly over my head.

I know this will turn to a harem later down the road, so how big will it be. he got goku clothes. Does that mean he got his power-up and skills.

God_Of_Degeneracy:you can read it just google what a Goku uniform is and all its levels and you will be fine

it will definitely not be a harem I hate harems with passion, how did you get to the conclusion it will be one?

RyuSenju:I know this will turn to a harem later down the road, so how big will it be. he got goku clothes. Does that mean he got his power-up and skills.

every Mc is surrounded by females, so I always need to know how many girls you plan to put around him, but since this is not a harem, I don't have to worry about it.

God_Of_Degeneracy:it will definitely not be a harem I hate harems with passion, how did you get to the conclusion it will be one?

yes I'm not gonna pull an Enlion and say I'm not gonna do harem then proceed to make the mc screw every girl he meets on the regular and still say its not harem, and when people argued that this was the literal definition of a harem he didn't listen

RyuSenju:every Mc is surrounded by females, so I always need to know how many girls you plan to put around him, but since this is not a harem, I don't have to worry about it.

Well, hopefully, it doesn't come down to that, and it stays one female, but do you plan on finishing this to the end or just halfway, then drop it. Because I really don't want to get far too much in this, and you just dropped it.

God_Of_Degeneracy:yes I'm not gonna pull an Enlion and say I'm not gonna do harem then proceed to make the mc screw every girl he meets on the regular and still say its not harem, and when people argued that this was the literal definition of a harem he didn't listen

I plan to finish it I can guarantee that

RyuSenju:Well, hopefully, it doesn't come down to that, and it stays one female, but do you plan on finishing this to the end or just halfway, then drop it. Because I really don't want to get far too much in this, and you just dropped it.

well, that's good news

God_Of_Degeneracy:I plan to finish it I can guarantee that