
Review Detail of Animesh_Tewary in Peerless Sect Master

Detalle de revisión


hey author , the story is great and is of taste and this not same cliche story which we see every day few words of recommebdation the story is very fast paced ! and very lil to no explanation to the background of the sect , the power structure , and how easily a well known powerhouse fall into the trap of some sect , he should have hidden cards like escape talisman or something if this is a lil bit of setting any way i like this story very much i hope you focus a lil bit on characterisation killing the sect master for the sake of the plot becomes a lil of setting but it is alright i have great expectations from this ! best of luck

Peerless Sect Master


Le gusta a personas 1

me gusta



Thank you for your review! To be honest, I agree with you. I wrote the start to be this fast-paced to catch the readers' attention and introduce some combat. I plan to slow down the pace soon (In two to three chapters) and do exactly what you hoped!