
Review Detail of HR_07 in A Journey to Marvel: The Indian Skill System Explorer

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Its my first time so plz support and suggest your opinion

A Journey to Marvel: The Indian Skill System Explorer


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the fanfiction is good and all but i think that you could have combined all of these chapters in one rather than them being short and separate and add more description and you kind of changed the name of the character midway and you forcefully made him have a heroic personality or you didn't fully classify as why did he feel the guilt like many authors always tell the readers that he had always been kind and too sympathetic so the guilt is too sudden and his acceptance of leaving his parents behind he didn't ask if he could come back


there many more things you could have done better and optimised or add more conversations or description i kind of thought it would be like a prologue as the more the story progresses the more there would be conservation and description but last made doubt that or there are going to be more prologue chapter that aren't important

Marvel_Fan8502:the fanfiction is good and all but i think that you could have combined all of these chapters in one rather than them being short and separate and add more description and you kind of changed the name of the character midway and you forcefully made him have a heroic personality or you didn't fully classify as why did he feel the guilt like many authors always tell the readers that he had always been kind and too sympathetic so the guilt is too sudden and his acceptance of leaving his parents behind he didn't ask if he could come back

Thks for the suggestion and I'll try to work on it 👍🏻

Marvel_Fan8502:there many more things you could have done better and optimised or add more conversations or description i kind of thought it would be like a prologue as the more the story progresses the more there would be conservation and description but last made doubt that or there are going to be more prologue chapter that aren't important

why aren't you updating


if you are creating your own group in Marvel then add our Indian superheros