
Review Detail of Celleborn in One Piece: I Have a Billion Skill Points

Detalle de revisión


Oooohhhh boy, brace yourselfs, this will be a loooong ass review. First, none of my problems with this fic come from the translation, the opposite actually, Chibi_mon_mon do a great job translating (and adapting), I would have dropped if was not for it. But still is one of those chinese fic with all the cliches. Now, my problem with this fic is the MC, he is just not likable, a MC can be good, bad, grey or whatever, but he must be likable! For me the worst part is that Ron (the MC) is a jerk but the author (not Chibi_mon_mon, there is a limit to what he can do for the story as a translator) keep try to paint him in a good light, example, "Hey, I kidnap you because you are hot and will make you stay in my ship against your will but I not going to rape you, I'm such a nice guy." and immediately after he kills a bunch of innocent merchants "but he is a pirate, so it's ok because pirates do that". Is hard to me explain here without the context, the problem is not that he is evil, he is not, is that the author want the MC to do whatever but still make you think he is good. Would be so easy make him more likable, kidnap the person but say she will be free after he show the corruption of the marines by that point she will want be in the crew, kill the merchants then review they were slave traders, etc. etc. Or just go full dark side and stop try making him look good. Ok, I rant a lot about this, final points, it's a typical power fantasy, every hot woman will love the MC, he is immediately overpower and whole bunch of face slapping. Overhaul is not the worst thing you would read, for me is the type of fic I probably will never finish, is kinda fun until I get bored. If you like this kind of power fantasy you might like it.

One Piece: I Have a Billion Skill Points


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I just notice that in the review I assumed that Chibi_mon_mon was a guy, sorry if its wrong.