
Review Detail of JCT in Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System

Detalle de revisión


i was expecting starship troopers world and the rest are extra spice tech procurement you should change the title 🧐 the novel in a more appropriate cause this novel contains almost all Warhammer so far while the starship troopers as main world was treated as fast word type I'll change my review once i readt it whole I'm currently at the half its not it's not bad the title turn it bad

Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System


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this is literally just Warhammer story telling it's more entertaining to just play it 🥴the main world is Warhammer starship troopers and the rest are fast-forward logs scene just contains few chaps


I know,but after I am done with it, starship troopers will be more chapters, as i need time to flesh out the lore of the starship troopers and i need to read the books of the starship troopers. as it will be slowly turned into the books that I been reading.

JCT:this is literally just Warhammer story telling it's more entertaining to just play it 🥴the main world is Warhammer starship troopers and the rest are fast-forward logs scene just contains few chaps

change the title and synopsis the readers will be twitching expecting something but in reverse like expecting starship as a main world due to the synopsis but due to the lack of chapters in the main world the expectations turned confused of sort 😅 in turned into just a game scenematic from gameplay with a self insert

Lee_Kah:I know,but after I am done with it, starship troopers will be more chapters, as i need time to flesh out the lore of the starship troopers and i need to read the books of the starship troopers. as it will be slowly turned into the books that I been reading.