
Review Detail of Lemonbunzz in The Deity

Detalle de revisión


This is much better than your previous novel, reincarnated as the god of water, at least in its early chapters (I haven't finished read the latest chapter since the novel is so messed up). Also I hope you write more novels with more god protagonist, I will be guaranteed a loyal supporter 😂. How about a story where gods and human coexist together instead of gods acting you know.. gods. Leaning more towards slice of life here.

The Deity


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thanks for the review, glad you liked this one more. Reincarnated as a god of water was a pet project to improve my writing that sucked :) My next novel, which will be realeasing when Reincarnated as a god of water is done, will kind of have gods, or something similar to them be on the same plane. Can't say much more :) Have a great day and hope to see you in the comments again :)