
Review Detail of Hassy_101 in Every Tear, A Waterfall

Detalle de revisión


The author's writing style is great. She has a way with words. The story could have been really great if she'd allowed it to flow. From chapter one, we got to know the FL's sorrow. However, the story suddenly jumped from present to past in chapter two without warning, making me confused and thinking if there was another character with the same name. It flowed until chapter four where it returned to the present. I was alarmed to realize all I was reading was actually a flashback. Then chapter five, there was a flashback again, taking us back to where the previous one stopped. Sigh... I'd say, start the story from when they were little, however, there's no suspense. So it would be great if you combine all the flashbacks and just make us be done with it once and for all and start reading the main thing or just break them into pieces and scatter them in the story as it progresses. For example, something important happened and she suddenly got a feeling of Deja Vu. With that, you can push in a flashback. Also, another thing I found a bit unpleasant is the incessant use of pronouns. Using their names would make the readers get used to them, after all, the names are kinda foreign and hard to remember. Then we have the descriptions. You did a splendid job there. I have nothing to point out, however, it was a bit too much. It took the place of dialogue. Dialogues should be about 60–70%. Aside from that, regarding the character development, world-building, Writing quality, and update stability, I gave them five stars.

Every Tear, A Waterfall


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Hello, thank you for this honest review 🤗 appreciate it a lot ☺ I will put time indicator on it so as not to confuse readers ❤