
Review Detail of Hassy_101 in Bonded To A Witch

Detalle de revisión


Valhoon really bit the hand that fed him. I was upset that he is ungrateful. My poor Raziel. Anyway, I know their relationship would be splendid so I'm not mad, however, those sisters have to be dealt with before they cause too much trouble. But, I really want to know what Raziel did that caused her family to be banished and as for Valhoon, I think his near-death experience is understood since his uncle is a power-hungry demon. Nice work author, you did a great job. Though you need to calm down while writing cause the book isn't just a regular romance book. You've got a hidden gem that needs hard work to be brought out. I'm impressed that you are making a difference from the regular Vamp and witch genre.

Bonded To A Witch


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