
Review Detail of CosmicSkyNet in The Clone Grand Commander (A Starwars FF)

Detalle de revisión


The story is great (in my opinion) and the concept of the mc being a clone commando is awesome. Writing quality is one of the best I’ve seen there are no grammar mistakes. Story development is pretty nice and it isn’t too fast or slow. It has a steady pace. Character development I can’t say too much since it’s only been 7 chapters but it’s a good. Update stability it’s fine. It doesn’t really the it but from the looks of it the update is one or two chaps a week. Overall 4.8 I say the author did a pretty good job on this story. Kudos to him and I hope he keeps writing this amazing fic and It will be top 50(or maybe top 10) in no time. Thank you for your time.

The Clone Grand Commander (A Starwars FF)


Le gusta a personas 1

me gusta



I’ve made some grammar mistakes. *Update stability its fine from the looks of it the updates are 1 to 2 chaps a day*.