
Review Detail of IINeeRoII in Naruto SI : LIGHTNING AND ROSES

Detalle de revisión


It is difficult for me to read a story where children fall in love, especially when one of those alleged children is a reincarnated person with memories and values ​​from their previous world. Your fiction has pedophilia vibes if I'm being honest, which is partly why I dropped it. PS: It was good until karin appeared and I must admit that your writing in the first chapters was interesting.



Le gusta a personas 28

me gusta



Are you a paedophile?

MurderMoon:Did you know that even here on EARTH there’s places where your logic doesn’t apply for the simple fact that they live and experience the world differently Now imagine a whole other world where death, violence and wars are quite frequent In that world kids are sent to kill people and they may or may not make it back In that world kids fight wars at the behest of others Inthat world growing people put nukes in kids to cripple nations In that world IT IS NORMAL for kids to start romanticizing young so yes our logic wouldn’t apply

thank god i found another sane person on this app


I don't think it goes that far, at least as far as I've read, but I'll admit I quit for the same reason. I think the author made a poor choice of LI and especially with the timing, the story was considered by me to be a gem in a mountain of Webnovel rubbish, so it was disappointing to say the least.


Looks like there are people who share my thoughts aswell


finally someone with a brain, like just ignore the kids and chill till they grow up, only kids in naruto i can see myself getting along with are neji and lee. The girls are annoying even at 16.


I’m only going to say one thing In this world you legally become an adult when you become a fire breathing, people killing, illusion wielding, soldier-mercenary, for your village


so what?

MurderMoon:I’m only going to say one thing In this world you legally become an adult when you become a fire breathing, people killing, illusion wielding, soldier-mercenary, for your village

So our logic wouldn’t work in that world If you can’t understand that I’d recommend you not read fics of this nature

_Bruh:so what?

our logic would work in that world society deeming you as an adult doesn't make you physically or mentally mature find a better excuse to justify pedo behaviour

MurderMoon:So our logic wouldn’t work in that world If you can’t understand that I’d recommend you not read fics of this nature

Did you know that even here on EARTH there’s places where your logic doesn’t apply for the simple fact that they live and experience the world differently Now imagine a whole other world where death, violence and wars are quite frequent In that world kids are sent to kill people and they may or may not make it back In that world kids fight wars at the behest of others Inthat world growing people put nukes in kids to cripple nations In that world IT IS NORMAL for kids to start romanticizing young so yes our logic wouldn’t apply

_Bruh:our logic would work in that world society deeming you as an adult doesn't make you physically or mentally mature find a better excuse to justify pedo behaviour

cope more ur still weird plz stay away from schools and children

MurderMoon:Did you know that even here on EARTH there’s places where your logic doesn’t apply for the simple fact that they live and experience the world differently Now imagine a whole other world where death, violence and wars are quite frequent In that world kids are sent to kill people and they may or may not make it back In that world kids fight wars at the behest of others Inthat world growing people put nukes in kids to cripple nations In that world IT IS NORMAL for kids to start romanticizing young so yes our logic wouldn’t apply

I’m only 20 but I‘m beginning to think you’re a child…either that or you’re just insanely immature Whichever it is I’ve grown tired of this conversation and I’d suggest you grow up

_Bruh:cope more ur still weird plz stay away from schools and children

no u

MurderMoon:I’m only 20 but I‘m beginning to think you’re a child…either that or you’re just insanely immature Whichever it is I’ve grown tired of this conversation and I’d suggest you grow up


MurderMoon:I’m only going to say one thing In this world you legally become an adult when you become a fire breathing, people killing, illusion wielding, soldier-mercenary, for your village

I agree. This story had a very interesting premise and it was going really well and everything seamlessly flowed together. However, I feel like that author tried shoving the romance aspect of the story in our face. Karin seemingly appeared out of nowhere and boom, romance. It was too quick and unnatural. And, as you said, it’s also very disturbing for an adult to have feelings for a child. Everything else, however, was written well.


Yeah i dropped the fic in that beloved rose chapter


just because of the insanely inmature comments imma read this


Foda-se ele e da terra e aqui isso se chama pedófilia

MurderMoon:I’m only going to say one thing In this world you legally become an adult when you become a fire breathing, people killing, illusion wielding, soldier-mercenary, for your village