
Review Detail of GrimmReedr in Avatar: The Fire Demon (Remake)

Detalle de revisión


I won’t be arrogant and say my writing is the best, no even second best. However, what I will say is that I try to uphold a certain standard in the quality of my writing. The uploads can be inconcistent at times, and I may take down and post new chapters as the story develops and evolves, but my hope is to create something that other people can enjoy while also enjoying the process myself. I wrote the first version of this story on a different account, and created this new one for a sort of fresh start. I hope you enjoy the story, and even if you don’t, I hope you can at least politely tell me how I can improve. Your feedback will be noted down and used later to improve the overall quality of my writing as long as it is constructive and at least somewhat respectful. If you can’t even follow those basic criteria, then how can you expect any budding or aspiring authors to improve and maintain the same drive to write as when they started?

Avatar: The Fire Demon (Remake)


Le gusta a personas 1

me gusta



im guessing this is dropped


so is it on a hiatus or...


because I did enjoy the story so far

iliacube:so is it on a hiatus or...