
Review Detail of QuincyS in Go Read the Remastered version of the novel "Rebirth of the Spirit"

Detalle de revisión


Yes, it's shameful of me to put 5 stars but I wanted to say I tried my best. The novel is not the best in any aspect but I indeed tried my best to write and create the novel that many would like. I am a bit fresh when writing a novel but I will hope I will improve to make many people enjoy my novel. Thank you for reading my review and novel, you guys are my source of strength when writing this.

Go Read the Remastered version of the novel "Rebirth of the Spirit"


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Yes, I rewarded myself....Do not pity me, please. Enjoy the story.


I once tried writing a novel and I believe the quality was pretty fine, considering me being a new writer. I admire your dedication and how you truly want to make a novel others enjoy as I didn't have nearly as much dedication as you do, but I still felt sad that I was the only one who reviewed my novel so I wrote one...