
Review Detail of Sergio_Navarrete in Red Slime Adventures - Tensei Slime

Detalle de revisión


A very fulfilling story which has "slice of live" written all over it. I like how it shows the curiosity of the MC, in my head I imagine a slime with big wide eyes whenever I read he is curious about something. Over all I recommend the story, you won't regret it. P.S: It would be great to have romance in the story at some point, taking into acount the personality of the MC I think something interesting could come from it. However, I don't think this would happend soon or if it would ever happend because the MC right know only wants to have adventures. I am not complaining about it, I will still continue to enjoy this amazing story. P.P.S: English is not my first language, sorry if you found some mistakes.

Red Slime Adventures - Tensei Slime


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