
Review Detail of ramon14680 in Red Slime Adventures - Tensei Slime

Detalle de revisión


The author asked for reviews, so here I am. The story is about a red slime in Te,pest who wants to discover things and find other red slimes so they can come to tempest The quality of the fic is good, I barely noticed grammer and spelling faults. The update stability is also good. The author also asked for ideas for future arcs so Im just gonna dump some things (I don’t really know if they are going to fit well in the story) You can make him explore the demon world or heaven. You can also introduce a whole new society in the sea, something like atlantis and make an alience. Just make something that is threatening the society and make rimuru or mc clean it up. Maybe introduce other intelligent red slimes that get their own unique skills like 100 poisons or something and evolve it into an ultimate. Or maybe you can make the MC the king of red slimes so he can use all of their skills so he gets a few extra unique skills. Just a few ideas that popped into my mind, I hope you continue the story and keep up the good work!

Red Slime Adventures - Tensei Slime


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