
Review Detail of candyland1986 in Coming Back, To Say Goodbye!

Detalle de revisión


Without spoilers, or at least i try, here is my review of the story so far.. so it only 4 chapters in so far, ill review again once its more chapters. so far I'm not really liking the ml. the borderline violent tendencies <grabbing the fl> rubs me the wrong way for a supposedly good guy. the fl overhaul personality change is a lil rough around the edges. but she did experience a rebirth, however it still left me baffle at some parts. I do like the plot though, the general ideal of having a second chance and making things better. everyone love a redeeming love story. I'm looking forward to further chapters to see how their marriage turns out a second round.

Coming Back, To Say Goodbye!


Le gusta a personas 1

me gusta



Thank you very much for the review ^_^.. It's mean lot for my future story. Hope you will enjoy the rest of the story.


of course. I luv the plot and looking forward to see what happens...

NHN:Thank you very much for the review ^_^.. It's mean lot for my future story. Hope you will enjoy the rest of the story.