
Review Detail of Nattnatt in I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Detalle de revisión


Sh*t's killing me with author's masochistic tendencies. I don't care if it changed but after reading up to 200 chapters, what I can say is it is boring as fck and all the people who mc helped seems to have no respect to him whatsoever. Someone who he gave immortality to? No fcking respect. His own ai daughter who he created? Of course, she was so trash to the point that she might as well ignore the mc and respect everyone that she encounters other than mc more. Skipped every interaction they've had by the way because logic seems to have been wiped away by thanos. She will probably even spit at mc if someone who she befriended a day ago ordered her to do so. Steve who got his boyfriend saved by mc? Surprise, surprise. He punched him because mc saved his boyfriend from getting killed by tony. Fcking trash. Oh. And another one. Author's taste for girls is trash too so there's that.Overall, a story that is boring as fck and has an mc that is borderline a masochist because logic seems to always hop away from author's brain just to have someone abuse mc's kindness.

I'm Spider-Man (MCU)


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