
Review Detail of ruhe in Greatest Marine in One Piece Universe

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logia that can’t create it’s element is really a cow dung, on the other hand why it’s a logia if you made it into paramecia it could be reasonable, like unless he awakens he can only control sea and not create it

Greatest Marine in One Piece Universe


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Thx for free content. I did not read yet, just reading coments to see if its worth it. I love negative coments. One can gather moust important info on books. Thay make it easy to judge if you want to read it. Thats why i dont like authors who avoide critic reagardless if its free or not.

Crazibrains_:Thanks for the rude comment. It’s a free book. Read if you want.

Thank you for your review! In the Synopsis you will find that the MC fruit does not follow the rules of the original works (this is further described in V3C5). Also in the story it is the Marines perception that the Fruit is Logia! No where has it been mentioned what type of fruit he has other than what the marines told him! Are they right? Who knows! So please before you make not so smart comments read the replies to others or jump ahead to volume 3 chapter 5 and read what the fruit is before you start making noise!


1 good coment and insted of thanking the guy for effort author try to push "im right becous im author" narative. If u love "i love this novel" coments i can writhe one for you! ITS SO GREAT! Wow its super! Author you are so gooood! This novel is the best ! If you preffer to get empty coments just add it in your review! "Guys dont make real coments i dont want to be better i just want to be loved"

Crazibrains_:Thank you for your review! In the Synopsis you will find that the MC fruit does not follow the rules of the original works (this is further described in V3C5). Also in the story it is the Marines perception that the Fruit is Logia! No where has it been mentioned what type of fruit he has other than what the marines told him! Are they right? Who knows! So please before you make not so smart comments read the replies to others or jump ahead to volume 3 chapter 5 and read what the fruit is before you start making noise!

Thanks for the rude comment. It’s a free book. Read if you want.

Vistarion:1 good coment and insted of thanking the guy for effort author try to push "im right becous im author" narative. If u love "i love this novel" coments i can writhe one for you! ITS SO GREAT! Wow its super! Author you are so gooood! This novel is the best ! If you preffer to get empty coments just add it in your review! "Guys dont make real coments i dont want to be better i just want to be loved"

If I avoided critic I won’t have taken onboard the suggestion to include in the synopsis that the fruit doesn’t follow the cannon. This was something that stemed from the Logia or not Logia discussion. I have answered a lot of questions about this already. Read the book and find out about the fruit. Umi Umi no mi is not a Logia, but the marines believe it is based on their encounter in the void century. Hence why the only time Ezra gets the info is from the marines. He gets the proper knowledge of the fruit much later. So people giving negative comments because they cant wait to find out and not expecting me to write what it is as that would be a spoiler… What else do you want from the book? If given a reply - spoiler alert If told to wait to the chapter - avoiding critic If not given an answer - Author this Author that. If you have proper questions I will answer, more so some people have helped find plot holes which have helped the story…

Vistarion:Thx for free content. I did not read yet, just reading coments to see if its worth it. I love negative coments. One can gather moust important info on books. Thay make it easy to judge if you want to read it. Thats why i dont like authors who avoide critic reagardless if its free or not.

are you mentally challenged?

Vistarion:1 good coment and insted of thanking the guy for effort author try to push "im right becous im author" narative. If u love "i love this novel" coments i can writhe one for you! ITS SO GREAT! Wow its super! Author you are so gooood! This novel is the best ! If you preffer to get empty coments just add it in your review! "Guys dont make real coments i dont want to be better i just want to be loved"

You do realize creating your own logic on an established anime universe doesn't necessarily excuse you for being objectively wrong, right? The guy's "not so smart comment" is actually normal. He called you out for calling a DV 'logia' when it doesn't function like one. So unless there are similar occurances in the source material, you will just be someone who's flat out wrong.

Crazibrains_:Thank you for your review! In the Synopsis you will find that the MC fruit does not follow the rules of the original works (this is further described in V3C5). Also in the story it is the Marines perception that the Fruit is Logia! No where has it been mentioned what type of fruit he has other than what the marines told him! Are they right? Who knows! So please before you make not so smart comments read the replies to others or jump ahead to volume 3 chapter 5 and read what the fruit is before you start making noise!

Sorry, I disagree Let’s use Luffy as an example. Everyone thought it was a paramecia fruit for a long time, then May be special paramecia only to find out it was a mythical zoan. The fruit from its conception was a special paramecia fruit not a logia. So why would it be wrong. I never revealed this until v3C5, what was revealed was the marines perception of the complete fruit being a logia. So how is that wrong. I did not want to spoil it for people but, there you have it. Umi umi no mi is a special paramecia fruit the MC will get the info when he gets to fishman island and learn he only has 1/3 of Uranus power.

Stray99th:You do realize creating your own logic on an established anime universe doesn't necessarily excuse you for being objectively wrong, right? The guy's "not so smart comment" is actually normal. He called you out for calling a DV 'logia' when it doesn't function like one. So unless there are similar occurances in the source material, you will just be someone who's flat out wrong.

I dont think so, but to ask a person that q... if you were would you know?

camel_powered49:are you mentally challenged?

Same here

Vistarion:Thx for free content. I did not read yet, just reading coments to see if its worth it. I love negative coments. One can gather moust important info on books. Thay make it easy to judge if you want to read it. Thats why i dont like authors who avoide critic reagardless if its free or not.

Sometimes spoilers are appreciated, because if I am going to read just to get frustrated and the solution is 50 chapters later, I would personally avoid reading the story. After all, I'm here to have fun, not stress. And my comment is based on another comment, which complains that as a lodge user he cannot produce his element, which honestly seems like a giant nerf to me which would take away my interest in your story (It seems like it's like Luffy, his devil fruit was Zoan and not Panamecia, but here it starts with the MC's confusion of the fruit being logia, which changes things for the reader, besides that most already know the rules of One Piece so your attempt to imitate Luffy only ended up frustrating your readers xD) My comment is just an aside, I didn't read your story so I don't judge it

Crazibrains_:Sorry, I disagree Let’s use Luffy as an example. Everyone thought it was a paramecia fruit for a long time, then May be special paramecia only to find out it was a mythical zoan. The fruit from its conception was a special paramecia fruit not a logia. So why would it be wrong. I never revealed this until v3C5, what was revealed was the marines perception of the complete fruit being a logia. So how is that wrong. I did not want to spoil it for people but, there you have it. Umi umi no mi is a special paramecia fruit the MC will get the info when he gets to fishman island and learn he only has 1/3 of Uranus power.


Gabichu_Yeah:Sometimes spoilers are appreciated, because if I am going to read just to get frustrated and the solution is 50 chapters later, I would personally avoid reading the story. After all, I'm here to have fun, not stress. And my comment is based on another comment, which complains that as a lodge user he cannot produce his element, which honestly seems like a giant nerf to me which would take away my interest in your story (It seems like it's like Luffy, his devil fruit was Zoan and not Panamecia, but here it starts with the MC's confusion of the fruit being logia, which changes things for the reader, besides that most already know the rules of One Piece so your attempt to imitate Luffy only ended up frustrating your readers xD) My comment is just an aside, I didn't read your story so I don't judge it