
Review Detail of shxdowdino in Fate's Grasp

Detalle de revisión


Chapter 5! Since my first review, I've been noticing how the book has much more to offer than I thought. Obviously I don't want to spoil anything, so- Ill just say this: The novel is the type to keep you on your toes anticipating for whatever happens next, I’m 100% sure that this novel will stay interesting for hundreds of more chapters to come and I can't wait to see everything progress until then. The character design and their backstories, the dozens of point of views in the first 5 chapters alone, the environment, the world building, and the feeling that the novel gives off. All of these things are just more of a reason for me to want to read this novel and interact with its growing community. It continues, even at chapter 5, to not be overly generic compared to other novels and still has a unique taste that most novels and comics nowadays don't have, at all. Overall, this novel is one of the better ones I've read and I as well as many others are enjoying it as well. I strongly recommend that all of you give this novel the chance it deserves, as it is a really good thing to read.

Fate's Grasp


Le gusta a personas 2

me gusta



Thanks Dino! You're the guy from Royal Road, right? Thanks for the support! What do you like the most about it specifically? A fight scene... a character?


i loved the fight scene in chapter 5 that i shall not spoil lol and how it wasnt a physical attack and stuff, i think it was a neat idea. i also liked the twist at the end :P

Dissociation:Thanks Dino! You're the guy from Royal Road, right? Thanks for the support! What do you like the most about it specifically? A fight scene... a character?