
Review Detail of Nikola_Niko in Legacy Written of Blood

Detalle de revisión


I see that you have not updated for a long time with no explanation, that’s why i straight away cut the update stability part. Your writing skills are neat, almost no typos to hinder the reader. The story is slow-paced, and like i use to say, that suits medieval settings! I would say that the protagonist seemed to get used to himself rather quickly, like he wasn’t given enough time to express his worry and i felt that was somewhat of a let-down after you spoke about exploring him more. Anyways, Well done author and start writing again! [img=recommend]

Legacy Written of Blood


Le gusta a personas 1

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My wife became very sick for awhile so I couldn't dedicate any time to updating. She recovered officially August 2023. Since then I've been working on the story updating it and moving towards rerelease. Thank you for your kind words.

Nikola_Niko:...oic..... 😅, i didn’t see your update report, it said a glaring 0 in like last week.... BUT WAIT! 👀 6? I only saw 5! 👀

This is new so I have 6 updated chapters in last 3 days :/


...oic..... 😅, i didn’t see your update report, it said a glaring 0 in like last week.... BUT WAIT! 👀 6? I only saw 5! 👀

Joseon_Walking:This is new so I have 6 updated chapters in last 3 days :/