
Review Detail of UnsympatheticMoron in I Can Level Up By Staying Idle

Detalle de revisión


The story is part of a larger discourse on substance abuse and the hypermasculine culture of toxicity that has gripped society. Put in that context, with regard to the nuances of social issues pertaining to "working out" and "martial arts training", there is a clear indication of the author's brilliant understanding of the underpinnings of toxic masculinity and competition. Although it is written in the form of a fun story, it makes no claim of its own humourous nature, taking itself seriously and yet playing with these very complex elements in a very elegant and enjoyable manner. The expressions used, the phrases, indicatives and their qualifiers, all merge into an amalgamation that makes itself culturally relevant to the average reader on this site/app. This reveals the quality of the writing to be more than satisfactory. The author needs to work on three things: 1. Fleshing out the world and the characters. 2. Making the narrative more coherent and cogent. 3. Exploring themselves and their subconscious rhetorics through writing more consciously and critically. Engaging with these macrostructures of social experiences would be recommended. Insightful though the author is, they seem to lack the motivation to critically analyse their own biases and identify the framework of their discourse.

I Can Level Up By Staying Idle

Kings Don't Steal

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Wow, never read a review with so many eloquent sounding words that was so obviously written by a leftist social justice warrior …