
Review Detail of kunichan in The Last Day Of Civilization

Detalle de revisión


i like the novel!! their are some issues with how the story was done but those are my personal preference and should definitely read the story instead and i highly recommend doing that. my only take is, could have done better than what he did, but who cares? we need drama and struggle this way we can have a development. also, the story has a slow start as well as all mc plan seemingly going to perfect despite irl it will go the other way. example is when the night came and they tried to walk in the hallway to escape the campus and base on the story zombie are resting at night and they are like in a hibernation that only sound can wake them up(They are also blind). zombies are like within their vicinity and his newbie teammates did not even make mistake or the zombie did not even here a little bit of sound. footstep, breathing, jiggle of bags, opening a door , etc those things produce sound but in this story they made it pretty well unheard by the zombies. i am also skeptical about the wooden weapon mc is using. if it really can kill the zombie. to me you need multiple or a dozens of strike to make it work, might as well use a screw driver which is they did. i believe at that point of time, zombie already made some noise attracting other zombies before you can kill them. maybe their bone structure are soft? just like in walking dead tv series. it is not that i hate it infact i like the way story is progressing so far author.(It might be because in the night zombie has less senses like hearing that is why they where not heard? ) Author if you really want to make this a harem, you need to make the mc have more edge and more reliable to the girls and at least more proactive in the future as character development. aside from being a regressor with knowledge from the future and his cryptic dreams i think he needs something more. i recommend at least make mc a little bit more physically inclined compared to others or anything you can think off but so far please keep up the good work!!! [img=update][img=update][img=update].

The Last Day Of Civilization


Le gusta a personas 3

me gusta



sorry i was wrong bokken is insane it can even crack a coconut. i saw video online that you need technique to handle this and it has the same lethality of a baseball bat. at most 1 - 3 well places strike from the head to make it deadly(the back of your head and the side of your head). it seems durable, intimidating(It looks like a sheathed katana) and looks weigh less than baseball bat.


I'm really glad that you liked it and thank you for the review! :D I will admit, if they weren't main characters, some of the events and actions they did would've probably gone the wrong way but I guess my writing may not have made it too clear but there have been multiple moments wherein he or his team only manage to narrowly escape. I'd categorize them as rookie mistakes like when Chisato tried to look for people she could save from the group that tried to escape through the northern building's exit (That random group's members were recently turned and she knew by then that recently turned zombies still have functional eyesight) or when Ren forgot to make sure that his bag wouldn't hit the wire fence which caused every zombie in their vicinity to start rushing towards their direction (This happened in the same chapter that they finally left school). I believe I mentioned how they took precautionary steps to make sure their bag's contents wouldn't make noise as they move like filling up the medicine/pill jars to the brim so there wouldn't be enough space for the contents to shake and make noise but yeah, I guess I should've put more emphasis on their precautionary steps that also focuses on their other stuff. Regardless, I'll do my best to fix whatever other issues I have and I hope you continue to enjoy my fic :).


yeah it keeps getting better !

Zxcx_17:I'm really glad that you liked it and thank you for the review! :D I will admit, if they weren't main characters, some of the events and actions they did would've probably gone the wrong way but I guess my writing may not have made it too clear but there have been multiple moments wherein he or his team only manage to narrowly escape. I'd categorize them as rookie mistakes like when Chisato tried to look for people she could save from the group that tried to escape through the northern building's exit (That random group's members were recently turned and she knew by then that recently turned zombies still have functional eyesight) or when Ren forgot to make sure that his bag wouldn't hit the wire fence which caused every zombie in their vicinity to start rushing towards their direction (This happened in the same chapter that they finally left school). I believe I mentioned how they took precautionary steps to make sure their bag's contents wouldn't make noise as they move like filling up the medicine/pill jars to the brim so there wouldn't be enough space for the contents to shake and make noise but yeah, I guess I should've put more emphasis on their precautionary steps that also focuses on their other stuff. Regardless, I'll do my best to fix whatever other issues I have and I hope you continue to enjoy my fic :).

i highly suggest you post this to novel section to gain more readers.