
Review Detail of PyteWriter in The Phoenix - A GOT Fan-Fiction

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The story goes nowhere. When your MC is a reality bending phoenix with no limits to power, the story gets stale within a couple of chapters. Whats the point of any of his plans and actions when he can just will anything into existence?

The Phoenix - A GOT Fan-Fiction


Le gusta a personas 48

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Short answer is so the author can gain money from all the harem lovers trying to see him marry literally the entire multiverse


Right … Even though nothing of the sort happens in this book. Read first before you judge OR don’t judge what you don’t know.

UndeadBeing:Short answer is so the author can gain money from all the harem lovers trying to see him marry literally the entire multiverse

I've read 40 odd chapters and he already has 3 lovers, not sure how that doesn't count as a harem but ok.

TempestasUmbra:Right … Even though nothing of the sort happens in this book. Read first before you judge OR don’t judge what you don’t know.

I doubt that's the case. A harem doesn't look like that. It's similar to a romance, but ten times more complex. Its construction relies on the initial weakness and character development, thus allowing the development of feelings. After several hundred chapters, a girl might eventually give in and form a couple. Then, after several hundred more chapters, another girl might fall in love, creating a moral dilemma for the main character. Perhaps this moral dilemma will be resolved after 1000 chapters, and he will be with the second girl. Then, after a few hundred more chapters, there will be three, further reinforcing the bonds of the previous two. In short, a true harem doesn't form in a few chapters, and it's ten times more complex than a romance.

UndeadBeing:Short answer is so the author can gain money from all the harem lovers trying to see him marry literally the entire multiverse

Normally I’ve stayed off of replying to people but this caught my interest. A harem that actually makes sense would not have an “mc” that’s just a one sided love story between multiple females that love the mc but not eachother. In all of your reply there was never anything about each female getting along. You merely said the mc has to choose which girl he wants but he can’t decide so he gets all of them. That’s not a relationship, there is nothing good about a harem. If this was polygamy then I’d be perfectly fine with it but these novels can’t be considered polygamy. There is no companionship, they’re forced to tolerate eachother because the mc is terrible and decides he wants to have every woman love him. Harem is not good,you may believe there are complexities in it but, the only complexity in harem novels is how many females the author wants to force onto the mc. So let’s get this straight for you, these novels aren’t good relationships, the mc always takes advantage of his privileges to force women to date him with other women, the author decides he wants more than one female to follow him for the sick enjoyment of his idiotic readers, there is no complexity in harems. Harem is just an mc forcing females to love him regardless of there being other women and he expects females to accept it. Wanna know what actually happens when you try to bring another female into any relationship? Divorce and or break ups. Harem isn’t even polygamy cause atleast in polygamy the females know and except eachother, harem protagonists barely let the first female breath before he brings in another. The fact you actually wrote something to defend a clearly terrible genre made me reply.

IMDOOMED:I doubt that's the case. A harem doesn't look like that. It's similar to a romance, but ten times more complex. Its construction relies on the initial weakness and character development, thus allowing the development of feelings. After several hundred chapters, a girl might eventually give in and form a couple. Then, after several hundred more chapters, another girl might fall in love, creating a moral dilemma for the main character. Perhaps this moral dilemma will be resolved after 1000 chapters, and he will be with the second girl. Then, after a few hundred more chapters, there will be three, further reinforcing the bonds of the previous two. In short, a true harem doesn't form in a few chapters, and it's ten times more complex than a romance.

Not only that, harems are quite literally “I want her to join aswell” rather than actually having feelings for the Significant other, actually spending one on one time with the SO, living with or hanging out together rather than an mc just plowing through getting each female. Just dumb

IMDOOMED:I doubt that's the case. A harem doesn't look like that. It's similar to a romance, but ten times more complex. Its construction relies on the initial weakness and character development, thus allowing the development of feelings. After several hundred chapters, a girl might eventually give in and form a couple. Then, after several hundred more chapters, another girl might fall in love, creating a moral dilemma for the main character. Perhaps this moral dilemma will be resolved after 1000 chapters, and he will be with the second girl. Then, after a few hundred more chapters, there will be three, further reinforcing the bonds of the previous two. In short, a true harem doesn't form in a few chapters, and it's ten times more complex than a romance.

Finally someone who knows what they are talking about and is not into harem

UndeadBeing:Normally I’ve stayed off of replying to people but this caught my interest. A harem that actually makes sense would not have an “mc” that’s just a one sided love story between multiple females that love the mc but not eachother. In all of your reply there was never anything about each female getting along. You merely said the mc has to choose which girl he wants but he can’t decide so he gets all of them. That’s not a relationship, there is nothing good about a harem. If this was polygamy then I’d be perfectly fine with it but these novels can’t be considered polygamy. There is no companionship, they’re forced to tolerate eachother because the mc is terrible and decides he wants to have every woman love him. Harem is not good,you may believe there are complexities in it but, the only complexity in harem novels is how many females the author wants to force onto the mc. So let’s get this straight for you, these novels aren’t good relationships, the mc always takes advantage of his privileges to force women to date him with other women, the author decides he wants more than one female to follow him for the sick enjoyment of his idiotic readers, there is no complexity in harems. Harem is just an mc forcing females to love him regardless of there being other women and he expects females to accept it. Wanna know what actually happens when you try to bring another female into any relationship? Divorce and or break ups. Harem isn’t even polygamy cause atleast in polygamy the females know and except eachother, harem protagonists barely let the first female breath before he brings in another. The fact you actually wrote something to defend a clearly terrible genre made me reply.

i think bro just wrote what he would wish a harem is like, while not ever actually having seen any type of harem ever

UndeadBeing:Normally I’ve stayed off of replying to people but this caught my interest. A harem that actually makes sense would not have an “mc” that’s just a one sided love story between multiple females that love the mc but not eachother. In all of your reply there was never anything about each female getting along. You merely said the mc has to choose which girl he wants but he can’t decide so he gets all of them. That’s not a relationship, there is nothing good about a harem. If this was polygamy then I’d be perfectly fine with it but these novels can’t be considered polygamy. There is no companionship, they’re forced to tolerate eachother because the mc is terrible and decides he wants to have every woman love him. Harem is not good,you may believe there are complexities in it but, the only complexity in harem novels is how many females the author wants to force onto the mc. So let’s get this straight for you, these novels aren’t good relationships, the mc always takes advantage of his privileges to force women to date him with other women, the author decides he wants more than one female to follow him for the sick enjoyment of his idiotic readers, there is no complexity in harems. Harem is just an mc forcing females to love him regardless of there being other women and he expects females to accept it. Wanna know what actually happens when you try to bring another female into any relationship? Divorce and or break ups. Harem isn’t even polygamy cause atleast in polygamy the females know and except eachother, harem protagonists barely let the first female breath before he brings in another. The fact you actually wrote something to defend a clearly terrible genre made me reply.

Indeed I did, do something about it

TheUltimateP1e:i think bro just wrote what he would wish a harem is like, while not ever actually having seen any type of harem ever

UndeadBeing:Indeed I did, do something about it
