
Review Detail of Arodicus in Void Evolution System

Detalle de revisión


Early review. I have read 20 chapters so far and I really hope author does improve in writing ability as the story goes on. To start I want to say the author’s biggest mistake at the beginning of the story is saying it has been 5 years since the awakening. It put in place such a hard inconsistency for the whole beginning so far. Mc has had abilities but never trained / leveled them. Mc works on sword aura after being trapped for a few months and humanity in 5 years never unlocked it. We won’t even go into the fact the mc all of a sudden starts using his ability like a pro only after being stuck. The beginning is almost identical to solo leveling as many other reviews stated. Father dissappeared, mother has mana sick body, there is a healer girl “secretly” in love with him… I read SL a few years ago so I figured I wouldn’t mind giving something similar to read. So I won’t say that his start is bad per se. I think the story has potential and it currently has well over 1000 ch so I will give it another 20-50 ch to decide if I want to continue.

Void Evolution System


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