
Review Detail of Goblin_of_Trash in One piece : path to power

Detalle de revisión


This is a plagiarised story from a different Webnovel writer called Paradox_, they have started to rewrite the story and this bozo over here decided that the can just yoink the chapters that Paradox_ already made over months of hard work. To the author, you are lesser than the scum of the earth. If you had at least mentioned anywhere that this is not your novel I wouldn't be writing this, but no you decide to be a turbo-cuck and just steal somebody else's hard work and talent to make yourself feel even the slightest bit validates because you know you can't do it on your own. If you need proof of my claims that this subhuman troglodyte plagiarised the novel then the fact that it keeps bringing up Aux chapters and author's notes that don't exist and the fact that in the span of like 3 days 70+ long high quality chapters were made should make you at least a bit suspicious enough to look up the novel, which btw has the literal same name. Thank you all for taking the time to read this

One piece : path to power


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