
Review Detail of Tagasulat in The Player Who Can't Level UP

Detalle de revisión


A short info... Well, as you may see, this is yet another system novel. And with hundreds or thousands of similar genres, I have skipped most of the introductions regarding the system and made it appear natural for the readers as though the system isn't new to them, which is, that's probably the case. The world background is about people on earth playing a certain game, unaware that they are actually playing (living) in a certain world somewhere in the boundless universe whenever they play the game. They don't know that their invasion of the world inside the game is actually their invasion into the other world. For more info, please read the novel. The MC is impassive and cold, but not all the time. He has emotions. And he sometimes laughs or goes mad depending on the situation or what he feels like. But of course, he is not someone like a psychopath who would laugh for little to no reason at all. For a certain reason, the MC can't level up and will remain a level 1 player until the novel ends. To know why can't he level up, and to see how will he overcome all the challenges and overwhelm all the other players and NPCs, please read the book. By the way, he has different abilities. He can control his blood, bones, hair, body, and shadow. He can also control the world's mana. Since there are a lot of restrictions on him because he is a level 1 player, he resorts to other methods to get stronger. Please read the synopsis for more info. And if you want more, please read the novel. Thank you! The MC isn't a hero nor is he a villain. But, of course, he also has some sense of humanity both in reality and in-game. If he sees someone bullying or abusing their power, it is difficult for him to just stand idly, especially if those who are around him are being concerned. Chances are he will remove the weeds down to their very roots. Anyone can be his friends, but they can be his enemies as well. He also tends to work alone and relies on his own ability. If he can't hold on anymore, the first one he will lean on is his family. That said, he is extremely protective of his family as well as of those who are close to him. Lastly, the general idea of the story is... If you are weak and feel that the world is burdening you, cheer up dude, there is always another way to overcome your weaknesses. ┻┻︵¯\(ツ)/¯︵┻┻ I can't believe you read this. Since you've done so anyway, why don't you add this to your library and start reading? <( ̄︶ ̄)↗ Have a good day!

The Player Who Can't Level UP


Le gusta a personas 24

me gusta



Is there a reason you restarted upload when you alrea had 24 ch🤔


yes. and i'm sorry about that. i tried to restart this book and rewrite some to join the WPC#176:Level Up and hoped to be ranked 1st, 2nd or 3rd. I want to get a contract at the very least. i hope you understand. but thank you for reading my work.

thatoneguy27:Is there a reason you restarted upload when you alrea had 24 ch🤔

Wow. This looks promising. You've got my support.


thank you bro 😄

Magecrafter:Wow. This looks promising. You've got my support.

Any romance


yes. but it will come a bit later

ZeroF:Any romance

I’m even lurking here, in your comment

Tagasulat:yes. but it will come a bit later


Tagasulat:yes. but it will come a bit later

sorry, i don't intend to write harem


sorry, i don't intend to write harem



Tagasulat:sorry, i don't intend to write harem

Is there any chance that you will stop writing this novel( maybe to write another one)? For some reason, there are fewer power stones and golden tickets for this novel( it's good though). I hope you don't (I have previous experiences and it doesn't feel good).


that's a good question. but since i don't know what will happen in the future, i'm not quite sure. so, unless i die or become disabled or life don't allow me, i will try my best to continue writing

iwantasystem:Is there any chance that you will stop writing this novel( maybe to write another one)? For some reason, there are fewer power stones and golden tickets for this novel( it's good though). I hope you don't (I have previous experiences and it doesn't feel good).