
Review Detail of Aucheras in Starborne Warrior

Detalle de revisión


The story introduces the MC early. It is a human who has healing ability granted by there bloodline. As they lay there dying, it just so happens one of the Lords of the existence happens to reside in a flower they are holding. The Lord of stars is this entity and it merges with our MC. Some fun exchanges occur and the Lord of Stars decides it is in its best interest to help this human along the path of evolution. Absorbing the different bloodlines and abilities our MC grows more powerful with each beast killed and devoured. An interesting concept and leaves it up to the Author to give us an unlimited amount of different ways the MC can be developed. I look forward to the final result. The writing is mostly in first person perspective through the MC's eyes. It can take a bit to get used to as most books on WN are done third person. The world background is fleshed out from the beginning of the novel and given to us in a unique info dump way. I give the update stability a 5 because the Author dropped 20+ chapter right out of the gate. We will see if the Author has any remaining stash chapters or if this is the writing speed then this will be one of the fastest updated books on the site. Keep up the good work.

Starborne Warrior


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