
Review Detail of Anonny_Anonymous in Dio's Bizarre Adventures

Detalle de revisión


I like the over-the-top, megalomaniacal internal monologue ranting about how amazing he is. This is one of the few fanfics that have made me laugh consistently. There’s something in every chapter that makes me chuckle. He often talks about himself in the third person and eventually starts writing his name in all caps (DIO) to further illustrate how unhinged he is. It’s a truly evil villain MC, but it’s entertaining. It’s an “ends justify the means” MC. He’s not mindlessly slaughtering people. He uses their bodies for things. And he goes out of his way to not how stupid fights. He’s wary of his own possible defeat. It’s refreshing.

Dio's Bizarre Adventures


Le gusta a personas 3

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Thanks a lot. I mean it. Makes me happy knowing others are enjoying it, and I liked the details in the review.