
Review Detail of SilverBioWolr in System of The Supreme Sovereign (DROPPED)

Detalle de revisión


If this wasn't an indie story I would use the ranking system differently because although there are flaws so far it is actually pretty decent. I do not think this story is particularly inspired or original but it does have its own somewhat unique flavor and I will be waiting for updates. I will say that the characters and the magic system so far are only really understandable because of prior knowledge on these types of systems and as someone who frequently reads books on this site. For a first time reader this will not make much sense and you will not be able to fill in the gaps but if you are like me and a veteran reader of these then it will do. Again this is an indie book from probably a young author and for that I will say that it is good. I am judging it based off of where the author is this is not J.K. Rowling at least not yet but this is a good start and has captured my attention. Anyways happy reading and writing its worth your time if you are familiar with these types of books since it lets you know what it will be extremely quickly. Ff you do not like the first or second chapter you wont like the rest but if they appeal to you then the rest you will like.

System of The Supreme Sovereign (DROPPED)


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Thank you so much for your review! Your feedback has helped me a lot in telling me what route I should go with this story. Even though the start is not exactly original, I have plans to make an original and unique story in the future as this novel continues. And as this novel grows, I will try my best to make it as flawless as possible. This novel will only get better, I can promise you that. Thank you!