
Review Detail of RaiyAkumu in The Abandoned Stories of Raiy Akumu

Detalle de revisión


I would Like it if People would leave honest reviews and comments, if you want to insult away, these are stories I have written long ago, and decided that people should get a chance to see where I came from before I started writing "The Last Twila". In the process of searching for my old stories, I discovered that a good majority of my old stories are missing or are too incomplete to be worthy of a chapter. These stories I will, instead of publishing the story itself I will write a brief description of what it was about. I may upload a story every day, but I don't see any importance in regular uploads with this story because I am not aiming for readers or whatever, I just felt like showing off my amateur writing skills. Also while I was searching through the old documents and stories that I did happen to find and recover, I discovered a story that I had once abandoned because of emotional stress, this story I am not going to add to this book, because I am going to give it a second shot and try again. The story will probably be punished around May or June, although I cannot promise anything. My review is 2.4 stars but that is because this story sucks.

The Abandoned Stories of Raiy Akumu


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