
Review Detail of Flip42 in Do NOT Let The ROB Become The Dimensional Chat Group Admin!!!

Detalle de revisión


Wouldn't recommend the story for most people. Although the premise is really interesting, the execution is pretty horrible. You need a lot of knowledge about the source materials to understand what is going on. And even if you know some things you will still find your yourself wondering: "Wtf is going on!". The author uses multiple plot twists to advance the story, which feel kinda cheap and rushed and don't work for me at all. Overall a very confusing and disappointing read.

Do NOT Let The ROB Become The Dimensional Chat Group Admin!!!


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Is it the Japanese punctuations? or is it because the text and dialogues aren't linear? I thought Japanese punctuations used up too much space. so I put their narration before or after. Here's an example: 「Dialogue」 He said. He says, 「Dialogue」 So as I said, was it because the text and dialogues aren't linear? Ah, if you're talking about chapter 1, I deliberately made it like that. Simply to confuse the audience. Please give a further explanation if that's fine with you. That would be helpful.


Thank you for the review


Thank you for replying. The narration and the dialogue are not a big problem. The narration is fine even if you did it the other way you mentioned. And although putting the dialogue in brackets is a bit unusual it didn't bother me much once i got used to it. My main concern is still the plot. For example, you introduce a new character yet we don't actually get to know who this character is or why he/she ist important. The "Persona 5 plotline" was especially confusing for me.