
Review Detail of Pillow_Thief in The Extra's Survival

Detalle de revisión


I like it. It's pretty similar to The Novel's Extra and The Author's POV. Anyone who's read either can pretty much predict where the story is going to go, which isn't necessarily bad. I can't really say much when it comes to the world and characters because the novel is newer and there aren't a lot of chapters. Character development is really what makes these kinds of stories stand out from the rest; when storylines are similar, it's the characters that determine if the novel is good or bad. Both the world and the characters have room to grow. What really hurts this is the grammar. It's legible, and that's about it. Most of the people on Webnovel probably aren't real strict about grammar, but it's also clear where good grammar is what determines which novels people keep reading and which ones are dropped. A few things I'd like to point out: Run each chapter through Grammarly. The free version works very well. It's a great way to improve grammar. Periods go inside of quotes. I noticed this a lot in Ch. 17. It should be: "Blah blah blah." instead of "blah blah blah". The same rule is true for commas. A lot of the sentences are broken; it feels like words are missing. Finally, use commas. I see a lack of commas in a lot of novels. It's more of an experience thing, deciding where to place them, but reading well-written works helps with figuring out where to place them. I was taught to read each sentence out loud, and to put a comma where I naturally paused. Overall though, it's a good story with potential, worth a try if you like this kind of novel.

The Extra's Survival


Le gusta a personas 19

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I started writing the novel after I read the Author's POV which inspired me a lot as one can write such a good novel even if one is not a professional author. In the beginning, I didn't know about Grammarly so along with my mistakes coupled with the autocorrect on smartphones many sentences have gone into disarray. I have been using Grammarly now though the punctuations are not correct. I have tried to improve in the recent chapter. I am sincerely happy that you took your time to advise. Please read on the recent chapters and don't forget to write what you think about it whether I improved or not. Thanks for reading


Writing on a smartphone sounds like a nightmare, I can't imagine how hard that must be. As for improvements, as of Ch. 37, the writing is much more smooth and flows better. Keep up the good work, and never stop improving!

Mohitkumar:I started writing the novel after I read the Author's POV which inspired me a lot as one can write such a good novel even if one is not a professional author. In the beginning, I didn't know about Grammarly so along with my mistakes coupled with the autocorrect on smartphones many sentences have gone into disarray. I have been using Grammarly now though the punctuations are not correct. I have tried to improve in the recent chapter. I am sincerely happy that you took your time to advise. Please read on the recent chapters and don't forget to write what you think about it whether I improved or not. Thanks for reading

Just a heads up, but periods imside quotes instead of outside is actually an American thing. It's not actually incorrect regardless of the way you do it, as depending on where you live, eitger one can be wrong or right.


that's kul I didn't know that🤔

Unstable_One:Just a heads up, but periods imside quotes instead of outside is actually an American thing. It's not actually incorrect regardless of the way you do it, as depending on where you live, eitger one can be wrong or right.


Mohitkumar:I started writing the novel after I read the Author's POV which inspired me a lot as one can write such a good novel even if one is not a professional author. In the beginning, I didn't know about Grammarly so along with my mistakes coupled with the autocorrect on smartphones many sentences have gone into disarray. I have been using Grammarly now though the punctuations are not correct. I have tried to improve in the recent chapter. I am sincerely happy that you took your time to advise. Please read on the recent chapters and don't forget to write what you think about it whether I improved or not. Thanks for reading