
Review Detail of Deputy618 in Avatar of the Prophet of Serenity

Detalle de revisión


at first i thought it would be more about gina's perspective Which would've been unique and interesting but i was baited, patton looks like the typical guy who dies and goes to different worlds although its only 10 chapters maybe he'll be different. first world is like mha but not and it just zooms through it and there proly is some more i can say but im too lazy. over all its not too bad but im just not interested in patton

Avatar of the Prophet of Serenity


Le gusta a personas 1

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Now that you have mentioned it, I realized that I hadn't been properly utilizing an element I introduced earlier in the story. Inspired by your comment, I intent to edit and add more to the previous chapters. I believe that your review has helped shine light on a path that would result in a better, more engaging story. Thanks for bringing this to my attention!