
Review Detail of Orazon in Family Cultivation: I Can Store My Ability To Understand

Detalle de revisión


The novel is very good, the concept is nice, the plot development is mostly logical and interesting, even the character development is relatively good (something xianxia are notorious for being bad at), the main draw of the story, world building and kingdom building are some of the best I have seen among web novels. Alas, it has a glaring major flaw, one I tried many times to overlook but failed to, because it destroys the main draw of the novel. To put it simply, the author loves retconning, he retconned the story so many times that I've completely lost trust in his ability as a writer. These retcons are primarily aimed against the protagonist, basically he gives the MC a power-up, then realizes that he became too strong for the current arc, so he retcons the story by either nerfing MC directly by making his cultivation techniques suddenly not work (he did this for soul refining, the MC is in a situation of endless resources but he's not advancing by an inch; and for body refining by first giving him a strong cultivation technique then just ignoring it) or indirectly by making his peers stronger than previously stated.

Family Cultivation: I Can Store My Ability To Understand

Little White to Old White

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