
Review Detail of _Shiromi_ in The Princess of Tennis [Completed]

Detalle de revisión


Writing Quality [★★ooo] Story Development [★★★★o] Character Design [★★★oo] Updating Stability [★★★★★] World Background [★★ooo] - so I guess I am first reviewer here.First time when I found this I thought it's pretty interesting,good well as much as I didn't like romance it still good well aside that.This novel have so many wrong grammar probably cause I'm not sure If I correct.Well I'm bad in English tho to be honest sometimes I understand what character saying sometimes I can't understand.About world background how to say... well I even can't imagine and describe the places that's how Author describe the world background I have many more to say.. but I'm lazy and don't want to talk about it so cya.

The Princess of Tennis [Completed]


Le gusta a personas 1

me gusta



Thank you Ilyana for the honest review :) And yes, this is still not fully furnished. It was a fan fiction I wrote in my early teens, and though I have revised and changed some phrases. There is still a lot of improvement to do and I'll go exert more effort on this. I am glad that you read my work. I hope you will keep on supporting as the story progress. ~~~Airiii


yeah I will read this novel until story end probably hopefully you don't drop this 😉

Airiane:Thank you Ilyana for the honest review :) And yes, this is still not fully furnished. It was a fan fiction I wrote in my early teens, and though I have revised and changed some phrases. There is still a lot of improvement to do and I'll go exert more effort on this. I am glad that you read my work. I hope you will keep on supporting as the story progress. ~~~Airiii