
Review Detail of Ghost_Playing in I Cultivate Passively

Detalle de revisión


The concept is great but the execution is horrible. Not only are there countless plot holes but the mc meets countless "coincidences" where everything goes well for him even though he ALWAYS has enemies without any rest. Not to mention the perfect passive skills he seemed to get in dangerous situations, its just purley annoying. If that was all then it would have been moderately okay BUT nooo the mc does not only have the trashiest trash talent BUT also has low iQ (intelligence), is impatient, greedy, rash and just generally an idiot. SO I warn you only to read this when you are truly bored cause this novel is the EPITOME of TRASH. Final evaluation: Garbage

I Cultivate Passively

Bloodied White Shirt

Le gusta a personas 5

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Final thought: you only read few chapters LOL


your review sucks, you give almost no reasons. i could list out all the things on why your wrong but that would take up to much of my time so instead i will say this. Read more books, Like way more books, read more of this book like way more and then you might sound more intelligent and come to reason on why your an idiot that sounds like you only read like 20-80 chapters and complained on how the story sucks etc. Like even the luck factor mc had was explained in this book lol so it became less of luck and more of actual PLOT lol etc etc etc.


lol, if you were to go to the newest chapters then you’d see my comments moron. Anyway, you are allowed to think whatever you want but this novel is only good for people that have absolutely nothing to read.

Eugene_Fernando:Final thought: you only read few chapters LOL

because author need write long story and he just like that, mc got sudden problem then he got sudden plot. Like that suck, there is no building story here, just blatant sudden problems and sudden plot armor. . . Plus the entire chapter is just too much dumb justification and thinking from MC. It's like reading when dumb people thinking, or maybe the entire chapter is same how author thinking works 🤣 you know like some stupid people try to explain how they works/did the job. That's how this novel is. Just like listening dumb stupid people explain something 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣



Serendipityy:because author need write long story and he just like that, mc got sudden problem then he got sudden plot. Like that suck, there is no building story here, just blatant sudden problems and sudden plot armor. . . Plus the entire chapter is just too much dumb justification and thinking from MC. It's like reading when dumb people thinking, or maybe the entire chapter is same how author thinking works 🤣 you know like some stupid people try to explain how they works/did the job. That's how this novel is. Just like listening dumb stupid people explain something 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣