
Review Detail of LUZIR in King of The Dead

Detalle de revisión


uff what a disappointment, another fanfic that did not change the canon of the Greek rapist gods, i guess zeus would get away with it and take 90 percent of the goddesses including hera and demeter, no one ever has the guts to kill zeus out of fear of the canon, and the author only focuses on hestia, I'm out.

King of The Dead


Le gusta a personas 23

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Killing zeus would have untold consequences for the greek pantheon. Plus, Zeus raping people is a proven fact and he got away with it like you said, so what do you want the author to do? Go back in time and change the past? This happned mythologically so author is using it. Also, ur one provided complaint does not warrant a one star. I dont mind that you dont like the Zeus situation, its just that this complaint should have only brought down the score, reasonably, by two stars, and even that is a little much.


friend just finished the war and still nothing happens hahaha


pfff it will be funny if our good boyo will take goddesses who got charmed and raped by alpha Zeus to harem ,


True whether you like it or not Zeus is essential to the pantheon. If you kill him permanently none of the children he sired won't exist, and that will cause massive problems.

EverythingRelevant:Killing zeus would have untold consequences for the greek pantheon. Plus, Zeus raping people is a proven fact and he got away with it like you said, so what do you want the author to do? Go back in time and change the past? This happned mythologically so author is using it. Also, ur one provided complaint does not warrant a one star. I dont mind that you dont like the Zeus situation, its just that this complaint should have only brought down the score, reasonably, by two stars, and even that is a little much.


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the children are not relevant and the children can always be from hades, if now they left a mass rapist and mc does nothing he only focuses on hestia and the other girls who cares? that Zeus violates them, a fanfic is supposed to change things, until now? Everything has been canon and nothing has changed, exactly step by step from what happened to the titanomachy.

Rexburn12:True whether you like it or not Zeus is essential to the pantheon. If you kill him permanently none of the children he sired won't exist, and that will cause massive problems.

yes ... the bad thing is that as you say they will be raped here no one has empathy or what?

Ttsfih:pfff it will be funny if our good boyo will take goddesses who got charmed and raped by alpha Zeus to harem ,

It really does not bother or bother anyone that the sisters with whom I spent a lot of time where they clung, darling, are going to be raped by Zeus and they will never look at mc again? bro ... don't you mind everything that is going to happen because of Zeus?

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That it? Do you think a god has decided what your child's deity will be? For God's sake pay attention to the things you say. (Translator)

LUZIR:the children are not relevant and the children can always be from hades, if now they left a mass rapist and mc does nothing he only focuses on hestia and the other girls who cares? that Zeus violates them, a fanfic is supposed to change things, until now? Everything has been canon and nothing has changed, exactly step by step from what happened to the titanomachy.

man, you understand that basically all Greek mythology is centered on zeus and his rapes and that most of the characters in the mythology are his sons including the wonder woman of dc

LUZIR:the children are not relevant and the children can always be from hades, if now they left a mass rapist and mc does nothing he only focuses on hestia and the other girls who cares? that Zeus violates them, a fanfic is supposed to change things, until now? Everything has been canon and nothing has changed, exactly step by step from what happened to the titanomachy.

In short, the author hasn't even arrived at that yet and you're already drawing conclusions, the author may well change a lot as the mother of the mythological figures and like most of Zeus' lovers were princesses or daughters of titans, not to mention that with Zeus still alive we will have athens, artemis, helena of troy, the muses who were daughters of a titanoid, already like persephone we can ignore her existence since she was the daughter of zeus with demeter but could change her mother to some random goddess or titan (all of this is google translated) i speak portuguese

Lazy_Apostle:man, you understand that basically all Greek mythology is centered on zeus and his rapes and that most of the characters in the mythology are his sons including the wonder woman of dc

I sincerely doubt that the author changes anything, so far nothing has changed and mc only has hestia and kratos in mind, if author san does not have the balls to kill zeus minimo do everything possible to minimize the crimes of zeus, well, everyone So they want Diana to be smart and create a situation where Zeus only rapes Hipolita and not many others and there it is! and they save them, they never focus on them and it makes me a bit sad and if they love their daughters so much, give them to them too so that everyone agrees, if there is someone in the world who can ignore morality, it is the gods.

Lazy_Apostle:In short, the author hasn't even arrived at that yet and you're already drawing conclusions, the author may well change a lot as the mother of the mythological figures and like most of Zeus' lovers were princesses or daughters of titans, not to mention that with Zeus still alive we will have athens, artemis, helena of troy, the muses who were daughters of a titanoid, already like persephone we can ignore her existence since she was the daughter of zeus with demeter but could change her mother to some random goddess or titan (all of this is google translated) i speak portuguese

the author is still in the phase of construction of the hades domain, it is noted that he has not demonstrated anything in relation to the time he spent making the underworld, it could be a day, a month, a year.. after all, biblical god created the world in 7 days, the Olympians are still recovering from the war and metis and zeus are still entering the honeymoon phase

LUZIR:I sincerely doubt that the author changes anything, so far nothing has changed and mc only has hestia and kratos in mind, if author san does not have the balls to kill zeus minimo do everything possible to minimize the crimes of zeus, well, everyone So they want Diana to be smart and create a situation where Zeus only rapes Hipolita and not many others and there it is! and they save them, they never focus on them and it makes me a bit sad and if they love their daughters so much, give them to them too so that everyone agrees, if there is someone in the world who can ignore morality, it is the gods.

in other words without any zeus mess for now, and not to mention that hades can very well create his own pantheon, he doesn't need to limit himself to greece or rome

LUZIR:I sincerely doubt that the author changes anything, so far nothing has changed and mc only has hestia and kratos in mind, if author san does not have the balls to kill zeus minimo do everything possible to minimize the crimes of zeus, well, everyone So they want Diana to be smart and create a situation where Zeus only rapes Hipolita and not many others and there it is! and they save them, they never focus on them and it makes me a bit sad and if they love their daughters so much, give them to them too so that everyone agrees, if there is someone in the world who can ignore morality, it is the gods.

If everything you have said comes to pass I will withdraw my review and give it 5 stars but if you follow the canon to the letter like now and almost nothing changes where zeus gets his way with 90% of goddesses I really will not be disappointed but you, I hope that everything you hope will happen really happens but I will not be disappointed

Lazy_Apostle:in other words without any zeus mess for now, and not to mention that hades can very well create his own pantheon, he doesn't need to limit himself to greece or rome

if everything goes wrong i try to create one myself, I have nothing these days to do

LUZIR:If everything you have said comes to pass I will withdraw my review and give it 5 stars but if you follow the canon to the letter like now and almost nothing changes where zeus gets his way with 90% of goddesses I really will not be disappointed but you, I hope that everything you hope will happen really happens but I will not be disappointed

XD está más divertido leer esto que muchos de mis libros que tengo en mi biblioteca neta la historia está buena pero espero que el autor haga algunos cambios lo cual no se haga repetitivo y fácil de adivinar sabes que no sea un clichê pero autor San es bueno haciendo el desarrollo de su historia explicando y haciendo crecer al mc sin largas charlas aburridas ya que siempre son haci charlas largas y aburridas que no ayudan en el desarrollo de mc


Huh… that’s cool

Ph4:XD está más divertido leer esto que muchos de mis libros que tengo en mi biblioteca neta la historia está buena pero espero que el autor haga algunos cambios lo cual no se haga repetitivo y fácil de adivinar sabes que no sea un clichê pero autor San es bueno haciendo el desarrollo de su historia explicando y haciendo crecer al mc sin largas charlas aburridas ya que siempre son haci charlas largas y aburridas que no ayudan en el desarrollo de mc

I don't understand why you came to this conclusion. the author can't change everything if he saves Metis like that Athena won't be born and at the beginning of the story it is said about how Hades took care of Hestia, Demeter and Hera and they have a good impression about him / they adore him or you can to say a mini crash. They will not be raped by Zeus MC will not allow it. So MC doesn't have to kill Zeus. Hestia is already in a relationship with MC and will follow Hecate, Demeter and Hera and maybe / hopefully Athena and Aphrodite (but be loyal to MC and sleep only with him). MC barely built his domain in Wonderword so wait. Zeus cheated on Hera so she doesn't like him when he sleeps with other women but MC will tell her that he can't love only her and Hera will know that MC will sleep with other goddesses Hestia, Hecate, Demeter so Hera will not be deceived and lied as she was by Zeus when he said he would be loyal to her


You are God in your story, he can do whatever he wants, he could easily do things right. "Look why I don't make a great story, I make my mc the king, and zeus never existed, a change here and there. Zero violation." Easy and simple, isn't it? I repeat, he is God in his story, he can do as he pleases, total is a fanfic, is it necessary to follow the canon? Absolutely, no, can there be a gap in the plot?, yes. But we talk about webnovel, here everything has gaps.. - Eye, I use my translator and my limited knowledge in English, I may have errors. And I repeat, you are God in your story, you can even change the whole world of your story at your convenience.

EverythingRelevant:Killing zeus would have untold consequences for the greek pantheon. Plus, Zeus raping people is a proven fact and he got away with it like you said, so what do you want the author to do? Go back in time and change the past? This happned mythologically so author is using it. Also, ur one provided complaint does not warrant a one star. I dont mind that you dont like the Zeus situation, its just that this complaint should have only brought down the score, reasonably, by two stars, and even that is a little much.