
Review Detail of Jasonenrick in Re: Evolution Online

Detalle de revisión


I don't understand the hype around this novel, but considering it seems to appeal mostly to younger readers who are illiterate...I understand it. The story is rife with clichés, except for the part where his sister doesn't suddenly gain an extraordinary talent around chapter 20, which is somewhat unexpected because this Novel could be renamed to RE: Cliche. However, the rest involves the author contriving reasons for other characters to be stronger than the main character (MC), seemingly to prevent the MC from becoming too powerful. The concept of time in the story is also poorly handled. For instance, in the early chapters, he was supposed to meet a woman named Alex at noon. She comments that it's not nearly noon and questions why he's there, but then, within two minutes, it suddenly is noon. The lack of attention to detail is insane. Written by a kid it seems. Additionally, the story falls into the trap of claiming that leveling up isn't as important as other tasks, yet randomly, characters who have focused on leveling up all along end up being more powerful than him, which feels like a weak excuse for a plot. This novel is disappointing overall.

Re: Evolution Online


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