
Review Detail of KNIGHTofGALE in please reset the booktitle BLuU_the637 20231218092329 81

Detalle de revisión


There are a few things wrong with this novel, so Disclaimer: I am not trying to dick-ride this book in any way (even though it deserves its appreciation here and there) I also will not be spoiling much of it EXCEPT THE NTR (which hurts my soul's soul) so here we go. Cons 1.) The NTR starts off way too fast and WAY too violent, which turns readers off almost immediately. 2.) The Relationship building wasn't all that amazing, [SPOILERS READ AT YOUR OWN RISK] For example the only reason why the MC's sister loves him is literally that he stopped a dude from raping her... LIKE REALLY?!! no other background feelings or motives besides that (not that I personally have anything against Incest or whatnot) [SPOILERS OVER] 3.) [ANOTHER SPOILER I AM NOT SORRY] The author left us on a cliffhanger, and a NTR ONE IF THAT!!!!! Pros 1.) The MC is very well thought of in many regards, even to go so far as to make him feel like a very intellectual person from time to time who isn't a soulless bastard who has no feelings (which we all know that there are too many of those) 2.) Even though the main female leads are *ahem* whores, their mentality isn't just DICK (except for a couple) but actually have more feelings about their current situation making them seem sorta self-aware. All in all, I give this story 4 pringles chips out of 3 tacos.

please reset the booktitle BLuU_the637 20231218092329 81


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