
Review Detail of Akira_Monadelle in Ghosts & Souls

Detalle de revisión


I'm sorry but I only give honest reviews and so, I'm going to be very honest. This novel is unreadable, I'm sorry for sounding harsh but it's a total mess. The novel lacks everything a novel should have. There's too much problems to list out. I recommend that the author read other novels beforehand and attempt this novel again. From the messy first chapter, I could tell that the plot is very cool but that's all that's good about this. This is my honest review, I apologize if you were hurt by my words.

Ghosts & Souls


Le gusta a personas 1

me gusta



i under stand this was my first book so i knew that everyone would not like it but i just wanna say the story is interesting not about how i wrote the story but the story it self is interesting so i do understand why you gave a 2 but im thankful for that so thank you :)