
Review Detail of MrAuthor101 in Rebirth of The Devil: Locked Memories ??

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So for clarification, the stars are just an encouragement. Now about the story. It has potential, but it’s done very poorly. It’s quite obvious that you don’t have much experience. Frankly speaking, I had a feeling that you had some simple idea in your mind, simply sat down and started writing. So yeah… There will be a lot here to unpack. Let's start from the beginning. I think Prologue 1 is pointless. Prologue 2 does a better job at starting the novel, and makes Prologue 1 completely pointless. Don’t take me wrong, it's still a bad start. Why is it bad? To answer this question we should go to the basic of writing. Disclaimer, I’m going ignore prologue 1, because it’s, to me, completely pointless, and pretend you are starting with prologue 2. A few things you need from a good start are: 1. a hook, to keep your readers reading. 2. premise of the story – what it will be about. 3. introduction to your main character. 4. introduction of the setting. What do you have? You have a hook. The story starts with a character (the protagonist in pain). It’s good enough because the readers will instinctively want to know what happened. I’m not sure if you have a premise, because I get horror vibes from this, but it's apparently a romance. What is it? You need to be clear here. You can’t deceive your readers. You kinda introduce your character, but also kinda not. She is just there, like a plastic doll thrown on a bed. I untangle this one a bit more later. Then we have the setting. You also kinda have it, but kinda not. I got the vibe that it’s a real-like world, but then we have a super-blood, but it’s kinda not that super, so It makes me feel like supernatural things are rare, but they do happen around the world. So overall you could add thing up, and say the start is passable, but it’s actually not. Why? I’ll explain. So the character is in pain, can’t really see, opens her eyes, and notices she is in some kind of lab. You don’t really describe the lab. You are the director, actors, scenograph, makeup artist, and everything else of your novel. Set up a scene. Throw characters, and let them play. You didn’t. You are vaguely describing the objects around her, but that's it. Where is the smell? Where is the sound? If you don’t know how to craft a good description, here is a quick guide to a passable one. Describe things as you take them in yourself. We rely on sight most, so start with light. Go from general to specific. Then add sound/smell and other stuff. Obviously, depending on what you need, you can mix those things. This is just a piece of general advice. After that we have your character trying to remember what happened. Why? If I woke up in an unknown laboratory, the first thing I would do is start asking questions. I would check if I can get up, and depending on the reaction from the environment – other people, I would run or stay. Then the complitely-out-of-place-looking boyfriend enters the scene. By that, I mean a dude in a black suit among people in lab coats/hospital attire. He would be stuck out as a sore thumb. Why didn’t she, or us – the readers – notice him earlier? He should be in the description. Now it looks like you are materializing characters out of nothing. She hears his voice and recognizes it, but for some reason does nothing about it. Why not call his name? Why not ask for answers? If she can speak, this should be her immediate reaction. You make her look like a plastic doll, not a human, because she behaves unrealistically. Then the doctor starts talking about experiments and stuff. If I heard it I would be already half a mile away from that place, sprinting for my life. She does nothing. I could pick up on that stuff, more, tu there is a character limit in the review, so I’ll move to more general stuff. You need to make your characters believable. They need to behave humanely! You have doctors interested in a girl performing horrible experiments on her for apparently no reason. What is their goal? Why is the girl not under anesthesia? She should be knocked out, and if she is not, there needs to be a reason for that. Give a reason for their actions, or make them more reasonable. If she has to suffer, explain why. Maybe one nurse would ask a question, and the doctor would explain? Maybe an argument between them, because the doctor is just a sociopath who wants to make her suffer. Make your own explanation, but you need one. Even more general stuff. You tell a lot without showing much, at least in the first 4 chapters. The fifth is a bit better about this. I’ll give you an example. Quote: She has a faint guess already but still was tightly clutching on the last ray of hope so that everything is not true. She hopes that it’s all misunderstanding. Her body was trembling by now. She could only gaze at his lover in the hope that he will pull her into his embrace just like before. Just as she was thinking” So why not like this: „The dark thoughts were already hunting her mind, but she desperately held to the last ray of hope – that this all was just a misunderstanding. A lie. She reached with her trambling, cold hand towards him, but he didn’t respond. There was only his cold gaze, focused on her as if she was an object, not a person.” See the difference? People are doing things. Reacting. Now another thing. In the quite I presented, and in the rest of your story, you do a lot of grammatical mistakes. You misspell, mix times (past and present, especially in your narration), and repeat a lot of words – a rule of thumb is 6 lines of text before repeating something. Even if it’s a character name. Use some software to check for this stuff. I use Grammarly. It's free. So yeah… I hope this helps.

Rebirth of The Devil: Locked Memories ??


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Thanks a lot for pointing out all my mistakes. I appreciate it a lot. I will try to improve my writing. I always feel my writing is missing something but now i know where and why. And i loved it how you didn't sugarcoat your words I needed a harsh comment like this to wake up from my overconfidence. Now i will truly focus on doing this right and change your opinion on my book.


I just dropped on the forum a bit deeper dive into the basics of writing. I recommend it if you found the pointers useful. I'm happy my pointers helped you :)

Sweet_xiyue:Thanks a lot for pointing out all my mistakes. I appreciate it a lot. I will try to improve my writing. I always feel my writing is missing something but now i know where and why. And i loved it how you didn't sugarcoat your words I needed a harsh comment like this to wake up from my overconfidence. Now i will truly focus on doing this right and change your opinion on my book.